OMG I got in!!! This is my second HP!!!! I have so many friend who have had breast cancer. One died last March, so I am really going to do this one up BIG!!!!!
My package came today. SoOO much better than BH&G!! I have been buying all the pink breast cancer awareness food in the grocery store. This will make some nice stuff for my friends to take home. Very excited about this one.
does your package have a reference number or letters on it? I dunno why we always ask, it will eventually show up, I guess it's more fun to lie in waiting to pounce on the ups or fedex guy as they come down the sidewalk and wrestle the package from their hands with your teeth and run off into a bush to open it as quickly as possible, LOL
Ok mine DID come last night, I KNEW I heard the doorbell! This package is SUPER nice!! Has added in things that are different from last year, but way way way cool!!! Really like this one! This will be a super party!