Free Flix Stix Flosser
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Flix is the professional "In-Between" stick. Use it in between your teeth, in between morning and evening brushings, in between those great meals you have with friends, in between important business meetings, and in between close encounters, when bad breath can impede your progress. You know what we mean, don't you?
Flix packs a lot of punch in this little miracle stick. Flix, with its worldwide patented technology, accomplishes all of the following each time you use one throw-away stick:
Removes Plaque
Freshens Breath
Massages Gum Tissue
Reduces Odour-Causing Bacteria
Provides a time-released Fluoride Treatment to reduce cavities
Use Flix throughout the day, each time you want to have a full-mouth clean feel. Use it once, and then throw it away.
Flix is the patented Portable Oral Care solution to be used throughout the day to make your mouth sparkle, and your smile shine.
Have You Flixed Yourself Today?