Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

i had it the first time and it wore off, i took the max dosage too, don't think it was placed in the right spot in my back. I also had it the second time but it made my body numb for 2 whole days. My doctor thinks my body reacts differently to it then most women. He recommended not having that down again in case it damages something. Only other option I have is to be put out completely and that ain't happening. Oh well. Too bad for me!!! lol
Mommy-of-two, you will be just fine, if it's any reassurance, I had my 1 & 2 year olds w/o any kind of pain meds (and I was induced) and I'm not that big on pain tolerance :) So if I can do it, anyone can! (yes, it was very painful, but you know how it is, a few hours or more of pain and then it's ALL OVER WITH!)
Congrats, My wife and I have a little girl that just turned 6 last month. We are considering having another child but are wondering have we waited too late. For those who have more than one child, is seven years between the two, too much? - Thanks, BrotherRon
IMHO not at all. We had ours relatively close 2-3 years apart. I think you are at an advantage. Being our children are so close in age, I do not have the time that I would like to devote to each of them during these most crucial developmental years.

My first one was almost 2 before the second came along. I really enjoyed having her all to myself for those ~2 years. Now with the last one, whose 3 yo, I'm enjoying my time with her, especially when the others are in school. As for the years in between....they're kind of just a blur of being constantly busy and running around trying to keep up with everything. I love all my kids, and each one is special to me, but the first and the last got the 'extra' special time.

My vote, if you feel you still have the love in your heart for another child, go for it. The rest will work itself out.

For some strange reason I did not feel my family was complete until I had my last daughter, then I truly felt my family was whole, prior to that...I always felt there was something (someone) 'lacking'.
i think its a great idea! Your wife would actually be alittle greatful of it, your daughter will what to take part in caring for the baby as well and it might actually made your wife's job just a bit easier.