EXPIRED - Pinecone Research has Open Recruitment Week!!

Has anyone received a confirmation from them yet? I still have not received any emails...so I was just wondering... :confused:
coolmom said:
Has anyone received a confirmation from them yet? I still have not received any emails...so I was just wondering... :confused:

If you qualify, you will receive an informational brochure in a few days which will include your own unique Household ID number and password. Then you are ready for your first survey!
I've been a member of Pinecone Research Panel for a long time now. They're good about sending payment for the surveys and product trials. I've received a number of trial products and really enjoyed being a part of it.

I hope that everyone that wanted to sign up through their website has because the link on the site is gone now.
I don't think they take everyone who signs up. I have a friend who has found their sign up links on websites and applied several times but was never accepted.
I don't see the sign up form. Did it go away? :hmm:
precocious said:
I don't see the sign up form. Did it go away? :hmm:

Yes it looks like it has ended.

This place has been real good to me. I have been averaging about 3-4 surveys a month, my son also has had a few himself to complete. I have been doing this now for a while and I finally received a sample to try out and answer questions about. :claps:
I got my first questionaire!

Welcome to PineCone Research! Your first study is waiting for you. This project is #12345-6789 and is currently available on the PineCone website. You will find this and all projects by entering the section labeled 'go to current studies'. The deadline for completing this study is Thurssday, November 10th.

Please use the ID number and password listed below to complete the study.

PW: ******

You should be receiving a brochure and letter in the mail within the next couple of days accompanied by your compensation. If you do not receive your letter by the deadline date listed above, please send me an e-mail or call me so we can troubleshoot the problem.

Thanks in advance for your participation in this product concept evaluation.

Have a great day.

coolmom said:
Has anyone received a confirmation from them yet? I still have not received any emails...so I was just wondering... :confused:

Me neither, looks like we've been dumped. :cry:
Welcome to PineCone Research


I have signed just 2 days ago and I have recieved my first survey today. I have completed the survey hope I get my check soon
Got mail check in the mail yesterday! Whoo hoo... Free money is always good.
Well my Mom and I signed up both different houses and towns the first day this was up and still haven';t been accepted. Got all our info and nothing. This sucks........darnit.
Pinecone tends to be picky with who they accept escpecialy during the open recruitment. I got lucky and found one of there banner ads about 6 months ago and have been going strong w/ them ever since. I just finshed reviewing a product they sent me. :)

meh999 said:

I have signed just 2 days ago and I have recieved my first survey today. I have completed the survey hope I get my check soon

if you respond to the email they send you right away, you'll end up getting the check a few days after the survey. i think they send out the check the same day they send you the email message.
If you don't complete any offered surveys, destroy the check. But I have never been screwed by Pinecone on payment. They are one of the few good survey sites that have no BS.
My husband & I both signed up at the same time. I put our address & he put his parents. Well, he got accepted & I didnt. I think they are more partial to men, they probably have tons of women signing up. :)
Pinecone may be the only legit site.

I have done pinecone surveys for years. They are definately partial to men. I can't recall a time that I did not receive payment for services and they understand that people have a busy life. Only thing is they are strict on CONFIDENTIALITY. So mums the word. I looked into other online survey sites and I stopped after the first survey, when I realized they weren't going to pay up.