(Expired) Join the Judith Jack Jewelry Club & Recieve a Free Gift

I hope I get it, too, Joyce! Thanks for wishing. Now go look at my list of T-Shirts over on the P&G thread --that is, the ones I never received. Tonight, I'm going to make an itemized accounting of the Starbucks cards I never received, too! It's really comical. When I first started, I just thought everything you asked for would be given. Boy, have I grown up!

Have you ever considered taking up a hobby? LOL :teeth: :p
Sorry about your t-shirt woes, but how many XL t-shirts does a girl really need anyway? Do keep wishing for the mirror though- then you can wish into the mirror for all those longed for t-shirts!!
I received a pretty little, silver heart-shaped mirror in a velveteen drawstring bag today~rather sweet! My daughter has her eyes set on it for her "purse" so I' m sure it has a home already!!

Thank you, OP!!
i also received the heart shaped mirror, I would have liked it better without that ladies name on it though ;) but its super nice I was surprised!
Guess they're sending these out in drips and drabs, but I still have not received mine. So, I'll keep hoping since they are still arriving. Congrats to you guys on scoring a nice freebie! I did sign up for this on 9/6, tho, so it's getting really late.
Yay! I got my heart mirror in today's mail. I didn't think it was going to come since I signed up way back in September. My daughter almost immediately stole it from me. It's really cute. Thanks again, Joyce!
I received mine

:teeth: :claps: I received my free gift about 2 days ago. It was a cute mini mirror that is heart shaped & it came in a nice blacket velvet pouch.
I got this in the mail on Tuesday. Thanks again for the post!
What a nice surprised when I received this cute mirror today. Thanks again!
Yeah, but Imhilly--guess what? I got the damn mirror!! On Saturday!! In the mail!! Ain't life grand? !!