(Expired) Free Trial Size Bottle of Clinique Happy & Valentine's Day Greeting

Thank you Joyce. My daughter will get this!
Hey everyone, I picked up a trial before from Clinique and it is actually bigger than a little vial - I was impressed. Thanks Joyce for this awesome find! Lol, I sent it to me!!
What an awesome find, Joyce - I LOVE Clinique! Thanks for the post! :bigok: :claps: :wave:
This is great I sent this my grandmothers and mom!!
doubt it's a bottle but will keep hoping

I sent it to myself, too! LOL I'm sorry I put "bottle", it's probably a vial, but we can always hope! :)

I used to buy some of the perfume sampling for Avon when I worked there.

Bottles are VERY, VERY expensive, Vials are VERY expensive, and
the little plastic seals with enough scent for 1 application are pricey as well.
I signed up for this but am afraid it will be one of those printed pieces with the scent strip that you get in magazines or as a blow in to a catalog.

But I am HOPING that it is more than that.
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Sorry, the free Trial-Size of Clinique Happy is no longer available
Sorry, the free Trial-Size of Clinique Happy is no longer available
can't wait to try it! I hear that it smells great! I will order some if it is as good as they say it is. Thank you!
Got mine today too, thanks, it is a little mini sample spray vial about the length of my finger and the size (around) of a cigarette.

Great post OP Thanks!!!

Got mine today . . .. hope darling wife likes this as part of her gifts , , ,:wof:
Little bitty vial,but hey its free and smell great.