(Expired) Free T-Shirt from TripAdvisor--1st 10,000

I didn't mean to get you started, Rags! :rofl: Please don't send Jeb! I was poking fun..I'll email you later! :rofl: :rofl: :hug:

Well, I tried to send him, but, it is raining out today, and, he can't be bothered! He merely yawned and rolled over with a grunt! Looks like this person gets off for the day! BUT WATCH OUT PERSON! Jeb may get ambitious another day! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
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Waiting for your T-shirt?

If you already requested a T-shirt, you should receive it in the mail within 2-3 weeks from the date you submitted your request.
What the hell?!?! Okay now look here who ever gave Joyce's post a one star.....I have a vicious, evil tempered, snarling, snaggle tooth, biting, growling thirteen pound of power fluff SHIH TZU, and if you ever give Joyce another one star rating, I am sending Jeb over to find you!!! :mmph: Just gimme a few hours to feed him, and, wake him up first!

You already have my address, Rocky. I cant wait to get my new buddy in the mail!
You already have my address, Rocky. I cant wait to get my new buddy in the mail!

His bags are packed, he looks like a "Hobo", and, I have him booked on American Airlines arriving in New Orleans at 8:27PM!!!!! He will a total "b---h" from not having his supper, so watch your fingers! LOL LOL
Had to do a search, didn't remember signing up for this.
But the shirt came today. Nice shirt!! And it actually fits.

Thanks!! :rofl: :smash:
I received my T-Shirt today. Pretty good quality and it fits nicely. Thanks!

Received mine today. My son said "Thank you" and proceeded to claim it for his own. Thanks for the post.

Mary Anne
What the hell?!?! Okay now look here who ever gave Joyce's post a one star.....I have a vicious, evil tempered, snarling, snaggle tooth, biting, growling thirteen pound of power fluff SHIH TZU, and if you ever give Joyce another one star rating, I am sending Jeb over to find you!!! :mmph: Just gimme a few hours to feed him, and, wake him up first! Pay them no mind Joyce, I have never known any of YOUR POSTS to merit a one star. Not as if you are posting used dental floss, or melted Preparation H suppositories!:28:

Rags and Jeb Stuart

You already have my address, Rocky. I cant wait to get my new buddy in the mail!

WOW! I missed this somehow! :ignore:
Got mine yesterday. Will make a good sleep shirt :)
Received mine yesterday and Jeb Stuart promptly dragged it into his pen and went "night night" on it! So much for using it to clean with now! Sheesh.....
Thanks, mine arrived today!