(expired) Free Sutter Home Corkscrew

Very nice :teeth:

Thank you for voting!

All voters will be sent a free black Sutter Home corkscrew for voting. California, Tennessee, and Utah residents will get a corkscrew, but will not be entered in the sweepstakes for the stay at the Pink Mansion.
Thank you for voting!
All voters (except those in AR, DC, SC, and WA) will be sent a free black Sutter Home corkscrew for voting (while supplies last). California, Tennessee, and Utah residents will get a corkscrew, but will not be entered in the sweepstakes for the stay at the Pink Mansion.
Hey There,
I just went to the mailbox and BAM! there was my Sutter Home corkscrew! It also has a bottle opener on one end and a small trimming knife on the other. It looks like a well made tool...Thanks again!
nice to know someone got this! Forgot all about it... maybe there is still hope.
I had totally forgotten all about this too. I checked my mail tonight and there it was. Nice corkscrew:) Thank you again!!!!
mine came today! Thanks again Joyce!
:bigok: mine came today! Thanks again Joyce!Me too...
I got mine too...it will be part of an upcoming gift assortment that I am making!
it's here!

got the corkscrew...took a while but it is a good one.
i thought we would be getting a cheap plastic one.
thanks Joyce!
I got mine in the mail too! Thanks. It's pretty nice. :)