(Expired) Free Auto Air Freshener

thanks Jolissa

Got my email, did the confirmation and :shakehands:

Thank-you for your interest in our promotion. Free auto air freshener will arrive in 1 to 2 weeks.
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Hi, Joyce! Yes, my car still stinks as well! BTW, I had a post in this thread last night which has disappeared. I'm so confused about reporting duplicate posts, but I noted this was a re-post and I hadn't received it. Now I see your OP has made it to the top once again (merged w/the other one). What is the proper procedure when one notices a dup? I just usually say I think it's a re-post.
Hi, Pat! :) To report a repost, I just click on the red exclamation point to notify a mod, say it's a repost and include a link to the original post. :wave:
yeah, this was posted a few months ago, it said that something would come in 2 weeks, it's been 2 months and nothing, sorry!! But thanks so much for thinking of us spoofee people and posting this!
Received nada! and I was looking forward to receiving this one bigtime! Oh well car still stinky...stinky rather then smelly! LOL!
Sunni! ;-)
this is another one that I had previously signed up for and it never came ....I would not count on it .....
If anyone should on a fluke get one of these can ya pm me ? Thanks
I doubt anyone will get anything from this company!
Thanks So Much! Either way I hope something comes!