Download the voucher PDF from your deals list (it is a good idea to save this for your own records), it has your voucher code as well as the expiration date of it and all the instructions for redeeming your voucher.I guess I'm a dolt, cuz I still can't seem to figure out how to redeem my voucher . I went to my deals, the coupon is there, but do not know how to get an order form. DUH!!
The vouchers weren't valid until today and they don't expire until 01/27/2012, no need to rush and/or order something you don't really want/need. I am going to wait a few weeks to redeem mine, I think the entire process will go a lot smoother when things have died down.This is a great offer, but finally I got the voucher yesterday, but the site went down and I could not order.
So early this morning, I tried to order, but the first 10 things I tried were out of stock. I tried to send an email, but I got an error message on both firefox and explorer . . . I think it is disabled. I am going to wait a while and try later, all the teas that sounded good to me are gone, only the most expensive ones were left. Thanks for the posting, I hope the place can survive all the free advertising!