(Expired) Free 2007 Coke Calendar

2 Minutes On Hold, Very Nice Cs Rep! - I only drink Pepsi though hehehe
wow, that was quick...done in less than 2 minutes.
Thanks for the great post Spoofee 12
On hold for 11 minutes real nice guy took my info.
:wave: Thanks, my son will love this :) I called early in the day and only had about a 5 minute wait:marshmallow:
6:30PM and they said its beyond office hours for me :( I'll try tomorrow
thanks I did this early this morning and was on hold for 14 mins.
i got one last year and it is cool...
1 min hold. Calenders will be in stock in November. CSR very nice.
I finally waited it out and got one! I think it was about 8min... :bigok:
On hold about 7min. However, I called just after 9am. They are still taking orders.
Ran out of supplies - call again in end of november
All Out

Darn They Told Me They Ran Out As Well And To Call Back Towards The End Of November :(