(Expired) Free 1GB USB Flash Drive Memory Stick or Credit Card Sized Magnifier Light

Thanks so much, Joyce...chose the magnifier light!
Thanks for the post. It was great and I did the survey but I must admit, I had a difficult time deciding if the answer to this was "yes" or "no" since I did neither. LOL

"Did you request information from M&T about a reverse mortgage by telephone or online?"
This is by far one of the Best freebies I have seen offered. Thanks!
Thank you, but I am not holding my breath. Everytime I have sent for a free USB jump drive, they NEVER come. I hope this one is different, but I am doubting it will arive, and that I wasted my time. If it does indeed arrive, I will report back here in 4-6 weeks.
Thanks - I chose the magnifier because it seems that lots of items have words that are way to small !!!
Your information has been successfully submitted. Thank you again for your feedback. Your free gift will be shipped to the address you provided within 4-6 weeks.

Thanks Joyce!!
ha ha.. i love these ones..
lets see how many of us get it.. did u put ur age as atleast 60 plus ?
Your information has been successfully submitted. Thank you again for your feedback. Your free gift will be shipped to the address you provided within 4-6 weeks.
This survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest.
This survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest.
I always miss the good freebies.
I got the thumbdrive today! Nice!

Thanks Joyce! :caked: