(Expired) Free $10 Starbucks Gift Card from Dell

Crap, I wish there was takebacksies like when I was 5...lol
Too much info for a $10 Starbucks card..... I'll buy my own lattes!
Thank you for subscribing!
Thank you for being a valued customer!
I gave it a shot. I just used the email that's already full of junk! ;)
Thanks spoofee!
I'm still thinking about doing this but thanks for posting about it OP! :)
this starbucks gift card thing is a hoax... just wanted to let u guys all know :yo: if you want to try go for it
PLEASE NOTE: I forwarded the e-mail to my dell account rep and he confirmed that it was legitimate. We buy $250K+ per year from Dell, so I doubt he'd say that if it weren't the case.

Also, my actual name was form-filled into the e-mail as well as my e-mail address.

THIS IS LEGIT, I can assure you all!

(Don't forget ... it also says "This offer is non-transferable and is only applicable for the original recipient of this e-mail.")
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over 6 months and still waiting.