(Expired) Family Circle : Fifteen Days of Mother's Day-Giveaways 04/17-5/1

Read my post above. Box was not taped closed. Amazing!! Anyone could have opened the flap and removed the contents. Guess I was lucky. There was a card in mine about the product, and also telling me I was a winner. Did you get the card at least? I'd tell them that the box wasn't taped shut if that's what happened to you! How could they be so careless??
I forgot to post that I also got a small manilla envelope from studioim with a black "head wrap" and a little card with two ponytail holders. I had e-mailed them about my "prize" esp. since I didn't show up on the winners list. I think they just sent me something to shut me up. But, the Dermablend people are hopeless!! I've had e-mails from three different people saying they are trying to trace the pkg. Which one?? They say they've sent it two or three different time already. Hasn't hit my mailbox yet.
My name was on the winners list & thats the same answer I got from them, that they can not track my package & that they would send out another one.Now I wonder if i will get it at all....:mmph:
Read my post above. Box was not taped closed. Amazing!! Anyone could have opened the flap and removed the contents. Guess I was lucky. There was a card in mine about the product, and also telling me I was a winner. Did you get the card at least? I'd tell them that the box wasn't taped shut if that's what happened to you! How could they be so careless??

Yes received the little paper. But no product. This normally happens with Walmart freebies, getting an empty box here and there, but this one really ticks me off.
Yes, KitKat, the Dermablend people are giving us the royal run-around. I have sent them two really nasty e-mails now, so I bet I never see it. And it was the first and only time I actually saw my name on a winners list! They spoiled my party! I think they are full of s*** as they never tell me how it was shipped, and I have asked them that several times. Also, why are three different people dealing with this?? What a terrible company. I have a phone number and may actually call and complain about their "customer service."
Well, I did call. LSS: they don't know any details but say they are sending it UPS today and if I don't have it by Fri to call them back. I did speak to a very nice lady, and one problem, apparently is that there are two locations dealing with this. The one location sent me the first two e-mails based on info they were getting from HQ. HQ e-mailed me to start the process all over again two days ago. UGH!! Anyway, I'll report when, er, if, I get it!
I tried to call Dermablend today and all I got was a response......all our representatives are busy crap and then I got an answering machine asking me to leave a message. I told them I am tired of the run around and no one answering me. I must have a black mark next to my name where they won't even answer the phone when I call. UGH!! :mad:

I even copied the list off their site just in case they remove it to say that it was never there. :rofl: I waste to much time with them.
I received the Dermablend via UPS on Thursday--only one day after speaking with someone.
Here we go- I saw on another site that someone received this yesterday and they weren't on the winners list! Hope that means the winners won't get?:doh:
I just saw today on another site that the Avon Spa Sets have begun to arrive.
I received my Nivea Q10 Microderm Abrasion set a few days ago- on Tuesday.
I received my Nivea Q10 Microderm Abrasion set a few days ago- on Tuesday.

Cool... my best friend's name appears on the winners list, so hopefully she'll be getting hers soon. She's really anxious to get it.

Avon Spa Set arrived USPS...at least that's what they said, "regular mail."
I was sent an email that I'd won the Avon Spa set and I still haven't recieved it. It'll be a LONG time before I ever even consider buying a Family Circle magazine!
i received the avon spa today, it was from regular mail