(Expired) Family Circle : Fifteen Days of Mother's Day-Giveaways 04/17-5/1

I gotta tell you what happened with the Nivea...I had sent them an e-mail when I couldn't submit my form. Then I followed up with another e-mail. I got two e-mails back (identical) saying they would send me a coupon. I figured that 1) they would only send one, realizing it was the same person and 2) the coupon would be like $2 off. Well, today I got TWO envelopes, each with the identical contents--and they contained.....a bunch of coupons for $1 off, etc. plus ONE FREE TO $14.99 coupon! So, I can now go and get $30 worth of Nivea (and if you get it this month at CVS there's an ECB of $5 for every $15 you spend). I thought that was good...but I'm still waiting for Wanda! Where are you Wanda?
Thanks, Freebiehunter!! :wave:

Those diamond earrings are mine..Back off!! :rofl:

Hey Joyce, I read this last week and I laughed sooo hard! I had to go through all the posts this am to find this post of yours so I could post your quote with this message to you.
Now don't be mad at me! :evil: But, when I saw that we were allowed to enter all day & night for that 24 hour period, that's just what I did! :rofl: For that 24 hour period, I entered one :ranger: right after another, (with the exception of the 3 hours I dozed with the mouse in hand! LOL!) Sorry! :eviltongue: :angel: I have no idea what got into me, I just couldn't help myself! Every time I started to want to doze, you were my motivation! Thank You!
So...you think I'll get a pair...or all 25? Hee Hee Hee! LMAO! If you get none, and I get more than one, I'll give you a pair for all the freebies you've given me over this last year. :date: Deal?
On a more serious note, all my jewelry was stollen from me over the last 3 years including a ring I just bought a few months back, my moms wedding ring, and my grandfathers' ring with our family crest. So this would be a real blessing! Say a prayer for me would ya?
Even if I don't win, I'll never forget that night or you! If you could've seen me! Each time I hit that submit button, I giggled my but off & thought of you! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun...It was worth every minute of sleep I lost! Thank you and good luck to us!
By the way, did you see anything about when, where or how they'll announce the winners? I'm just dying to know!
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I got this email from Avon the other day...

Dear Family Circle/Avon SpaFinder Sweepstakes Entrant:

Congratulations! You are a winner in our sweepstakes which took place
on April
18, 2007. You will receive your free gift in 6-8 weeks.

I thought someone had posted a list of winners a while ago, but I wasn't on that... so hopefully I really did win. We'll see. This whole thing with Family Circle was hard enough just to enter, now they're messing with us about the winners?!
Hey Joyce, I read this last week and I laughed sooo hard! I had to go through all the posts this am to find this post of yours so I could post your quote with this message to you.
Now don't be mad at me! :evil: But, when I saw that we were allowed to enter all day & night for that 24 hour period, that's just what I did! :rofl: For that 24 hour period, I entered one :ranger: right after another, (with the exception of the 3 hours I dozed with the mouse in hand! LOL!) Sorry! :eviltongue: :angel: I have no idea what got into me, I just couldn't help myself! Every time I started to want to doze, you were my motivation! Thank You!

:rofl: :rofl: It's a deal, Kate!! :) I am so sorry about all of your jewelry and whoever stole it I hope all of their fingers fall off!!..I don't know how they are going to announce the winners, but what if I'm on there and you aren't!!..You would have made your fingers sore for nothing!! :tongue:..I am just kidding, you really deserve to win and I will keep you in my prayers. (Here is a big hug)!!
I got the Dermablend today, but I wasn't on the winners list.... :claps:
I didn't get the Dermblend today and I was on the winner's list... But I did get the floral tote & samples from Lucky by priority mail for entering a UPC on their site. Didn't even remember doing it! Still waiting for Wanda....
I got the goody mirror & tweezer set today too! It's kinda cheapy, but atleast it was free!
I am no longer waiting for Wanda! I got my Goody Tweezer/mirror in today's mail. One down and several to go! :hail:
Ban Winners List

Azmina Aboobaker - CA
Tisa Agloro - WA
Kelly Agnelli - MA
D Aguanno - NJ
Tricia Algieri - RI
Dana Allan - NY
Cynthia Allen - CA
Leah Allen - FL
Emily Alt - MI
Tracy Amann - PA
Sandy Anderson - FL
Lisa Anderson - NY
Cecilia Andes - PA
Maria Arredondo - ID
Linda Arroyo - NJ
Rhonda Avilla - CA
Dilek Aydin - GA
Gayle Baden - FL
Cindy Bailey - FL
Mary Balandiat - PA
Carol Baldwin - WA
Geraldine Ballance - FL
Dee Ballerin - IL
Pat Banks - AR
Kristal Baron - NH
Floriana Barone - FL
Yvonne Barron - CT
Chrissy Barth - OH
Grace Bartlett - WA
Lori Barz - PA
Sherrill Bautista - CA
Stephanie Bear - TX
Mary Behling - IL
Sherry Bentley - NY
Daisy Bentley - NY
Gina Benway - CT
Debbie Bergmann - WI
Cathy Bergmann - WI
Patricia Bernot-miller - UT
Darcy Bishop - OR
Joan Blacharski - FL
Dusty Bonar - OK
Kerry Boone - WV
Roxanne Bowers - TX
Roxie Bowers - IL
Billy Bowling - OK
Leah Bowman - MI
Susan Bowman - MN
Deborah Bozich - MI
Heidi Branigan - FL
Stephanie Brass - NY
Sue Brewer - GA
Lisa Brieker - PA
Charles Brieker - PA
Lisa Brocar - SD
Pamela Brown - NJ
Chris Brown - WI
Heather Brown - KS
Bridgett Browning - TX
Jennifer Burke - MD
Christinab Burwell - VA
Dina Calabro - NY
Angela Caligiuri - MI
Melissa Carlson - NY
Tina Carlson - IL
Frank Carulli - IL
Kathleen Caruso - IL
Brandi Cash - GA
Karin Cauley - CA
Michelle Cerami - CO
Crystal Chausse - FL
Misty Chavez - FL
Cindy Choyke - MI
LeeAnn Christian - MI
Lynda Christian - MO
samantha chu - NC
Catherine Ciampo - NY
Laurie Clark - VA
Willadean Cless - OK
Sarah Cole - SD
Tylisha Coleman - CA
Lisa Comeaux - LA
Kimberly Cordz - OK
Loretta Cortez - TX
Ann Covello - NY
Barbara Cowan - WI
Ilona Crabtree - KY
Teresa Crosswhite - MT
Patricia Cunningham - FL
Elaine Curlowicz - PA
Laura Cushman - MI
Marcella Cutler - TX
Susanne Cutler - IL
Patricia Cyr - ME
Michelle Dahl - WA
Mary Dailey - NY
Mary Dale - IL
Gregory Damron - KY
Linda Dane - MI
Skipper Davidson - OK
amy davidson - TN
Dawn Davis - TX
Bonnie Day - FL
LINDA De peano - CT
Reni DeHaan - CO
Cathy Delgado - NY
Kelly DelRosso - PA
Joey Demarest - NY
Barb DeWaal - WI
Marian Deyarmond - CA
Chiasha Dickens - WA
Melanie Diehl - PA
Megan Dixon - MA
Deborah Dixon - KY
Ashley Dodd - OH
Joy Douglas - MO
Mimi Drozdowski - PA
Brenda Easto - IN
Joy Eldred - FL
Roxanne Ellis-Raymond - MA
Robin Erickson - FL
Michael Erwin - OK
Regina Everhart - IA
Lew Farrell - WA
Emily Ferrini - IL
shelly field - NY
christine finer - OH
Linda Finger - CT
Linda Fish - MI
Teri Fisher - NE
Kari Follett - NY
Phyllis Foltz - VA
Mike Forsythe - OH
anita fountoulakis - FL
Rhonda Fowler - AL
Angel Frank - VA
Jacquelynn Franklin - WI
Cynthia Gabler - NY
Barb Garay - IL
Megan Gardner - TX
Pavani Garikipati - NJ
Dawn Garlick - IL
Krystle Garrison - FL
elizabeth gawel - PA
Kim Gay - VA
Theresa Geis - PA
Heather Geldbach - KS
John Gentle - PA
Denise Gepner - IA
Anne-Marie Giangrosso - LA
Erica Gibson - MO
Suanne Giddings - TX
Andrea Gonzalez - OH
Michelle Gooch - PA
Jackie Goodfriend - MI
Barb Gorban - MD
Andrew Gordon - OH
Vandy Goyal - CA
Renee Grandinetti - WA
Rita Green - NJ
Laura Greene - GA
Carole Grover - LA
Melinda Grubb - MO
Ashu Gupta - OH
Susan Gustafson - MN
Mary Gyure - IN
Stephanie Gyure - CA
Becky Hackett - AL
Kelly Hale - KY
Omar Hamid - NY
Laura Hamilton - PA
Laurie Hammerbacher - FL
Dana Hand - OK
Linda Handlin - WI
Liza Hanifi - NY
Abby Hann - CA
Caren Hartka - PA
Christine Hauschild - AZ
Patricia Havrilla - OH
Laura Hawkins - IL
Luana Hayth - VA
Laura Heckman - MO
Kathy Heintz - PA
Lois Henry - CO
Natalie Herrera - NC
Susan Hess - OH
Pam Hession - CO
Cheryl Hicks - WA
Marilyn Higgins - NC
Maryanne Hirning - WA
Angie Hoffman - PA
Pam Holcombe - SC
Martha Homrich - MI
Sioux Hopkins - MO
Donna Hovel - IL
Amie Howard - TX
Rebecca Howe - IN
Michelle Hudak - OH
Tracy Hughes - VA
Connie Hutmacher - ND
Julie Hutt - WA
Barb Ing - OH
Joyce Jabot - NY
Angela Jacobs - CA
Eva Jarvis - NY
Anne Jevicks - MI
Jamie Jewell - MI
Susan Johnson - AR
Carol Johnson - OH
Catrina Johnson - MD
Cheryl Johnson - TN
Shelbie Johnston - CA
Debbie Johnston - AZ
Stephanie Jones - IL
Tricia Jorke - WI
Misha Joseph - IL
Michael Katz - NY
Kathy Kelly - WI
Joseph Kershenbaum - MA
Shaista Keshodkar - FL
Melinda King - FL
Heather King - MA
jennifer king - TX
Denise King - NC
Hope Kisner - FL
Jeanetta Knopp - WA
Jennifer Kollins - OH
Jane Komppa - MN
Becca Koos - CA
Diana Korinek - SC
Marybeth Kovacs - CT
Robert Kowalczyk - MA
Muriel Kozuch - NY
Vicky Krause - AZ
Jan Kusano - TX
Linda Lambert - MO
Kimberly lane - MO
Chris Lange - CO
Patricia Lappin - WY
Michele Larmay - CA
Nancy Lattin - MT
Kar Laurie - NJ
Sivan Lavi - PA
Jill Lawson - KY
Lynn Le - CA
Paula Lee - MO
Sarah Lehan - CO
Brandi LeMon - LA
Judy Lemrick - MT
Jennifer Leopard - NC
JD Liagris - OH
Celeste Liesenfeld - MO
Christine LInden - PA
Theresa Lisa - TN
Jackie Little - GA
Bonnie Locke - IL
Melissa Logan - MI
Helen W Lopez - TX
Christina Loughry - PA
Faith Love - VA
Mia Lysenko - PA
Caroline Macau - IN
Krislynn Maciel - MA
Duc Mai - TX
Mary anne Maida - FL
Jeri Maley - KY
Cynthia Malloy - NJ
Linda Mann - CO
Janet Marantz - VA
Janine Marcarelli - OR
Angela Marsh - VA
Suzan Marston - VA
Beverly Martin - IN
Karen Martin - TX
Ann Marzano - IL
Melissa Matters - CA
Kaye Mattison - AR
Jessica Maurer - TX
Charlotte May - VA
pam mccarroll - PA
Sharon McCloud - LA
Charlene McCracken - UT
Kelli McDonald - CA
Heather McDonough - VA
Debbie McKittrick - IL
Laura McLendon - AL
Erica McMichael - GA
Paula Mcneil - TN
Wendy Melvin - GA
Marcella Messa - RI
Christine Messer - ID
Annie Metcalf - KS
Angela Metzger - OR
Julie Middleton - TX
Lacey Miler - CA
Nancy Mills - WA
Monica Mogerman - MO
Patricia Moneta - FL
Hiromi More - OK
Kimberly Morghan - OR
Mandy Morrow - OH
Susan Morton - MO
Jo Alice Mospan - AL
Denise Mower - NY
Lisa Mullins - NC
Kristin Munson - RI
Pamela Murphy - OR
Joseph Murray - OR
Susan Muszynski - MI
Patricia Nadiak - FL
Joan Nash - NY
Sonya Neal - CA
Ally Nesmith - FL
Camille Ney - PA
Leigh Nichols - SC
Valeen Nielson - AZ
Marie Noguerole - OR
Ike Obi - NJ
Karen Oliver - TN
Shannon Oliver - TN
Kristen Olson - IL
Rodney Owens - OK
Sally Ownby - TN
Robyn Paris - NJ
Maria Paris - NY
Lori Parker - NJ
Andrea Paul - IL
Amanda Peel - NC
Deb Pelletier - NH
Rhoda Pelliccia - NY
Loraine Perkins - FL
Jermaine Perkins - DC
Michael Phillips Jr - TX
Linda Pierce - TX
Valencia Pillion - OR
Kirsten Pollicino - CA
Joyce Pollington - MI
Catrina Pomerleau - NY
Janet Powers - MI
Michele Poynter - IN
Annie Quach - TX
Annie Quach - TX
Chien Quach - TX
Dee Quickle - OH
Mary Radke - CA
Nimisha Rama - FL
Ryan Ramos - NJ
Narasimha Rao - NJ
Ryan Rather - KY
Valerie Redondo - AZ
Kelly Reeves - IL
Jennifer Regan - CA
Ruthann Rhodes - TX
Tatha Riley - KS
Cheryl Roberts - IL
Deloris Robison - OK
D Rodney - OK
Geraldine Rodriguez - FL
Kimberly Roman - FL
Sandy Romanoski - KS
LISA Roth - AZ
Iva Rothman - KY
Amber Roye - PA
Lia Rue - IL
Cheryl Russell - CA
Marybeth Ryan - NJ
Debbie Ryan - PA
Sanam Sabharwal - MN
Sepideh Sadatmansoori - IA
Laura Salmanowitz - PA
Lisa Sanders - AR
Andrea Sanders - TX
Geri Santana - OR
Carole Sargent - ND
Jill Sauber - CA
Bill Schmidt - NY
Leslie Schmidt - KS
Joni Schultz - MN
Kim Schwab - WI
cathy sebelist - FL
Hollie Secrest - OH
Sue Sefscik - FL
Amy Shafran - FL
Namita Shah - MI
Anja Sharamitaro - FL
Trudi Shaw - NY
Lisa Sibley - OH
Sandy Silvernale - MT
Patricia Simmons - TX
Heather Simone - GA
Melinda Singer - CA
Cheryl Sisson - CA
Vicki Sitron - DC
Michelle Slayden - FL
Tina Smith - MS
Karen Smith - TN
Trudy Smith - WI
Kathy Smith - IN
Angelique Smola - IL
Joy Smolinski - AR
Kimberly Sobanski - MI
Kathy Spencer - KY
Zac Stafford - AL
Ellyn Stephens - VA
Ann Stevens - WI
Judy Stimson - MI
Paula Strickland - OK
Kim Stuart - MI
Barbara Studer - OH
jackie summerour - MD
JJ Svoboda - CA
Helen Swierczek - MN
Kelly Symons - OH
Rani Tacey - WA
Alicia Tassaro - IN
Jennifer Teague - TX
Lydia Teutsch - NY
Karen Thacker - IN
Lisa Theule - MI
Stephani Thorne - LA
Elizabeth Tipton - TN
Leslie Torbett - VA
Roxann Trexel - KY
Melissa Tucker - MO
Jean Turner - NC
Maria Unis - PA
Deb Vaillancourt - MI
Mandy Vasquez - CA
Charlene Vaughn - IN
Jennifer Vaughn - OR
Rosemary Vegter - IA
Olesya Venger - WI
Jennifer Vergin - MI
Michelle Verwers - IA
Carmen Vigil - CA
Sandra Vlodek - ME
Lilli Volk - FL
Annamarie Voss - WA
Beth Wagaman - MI
Debra Waits - AR
Shannon Walker - KY
Jill Wall - NC
Eva Walls - IN
Carolyn Walsh - NJ
Clarissa Waltz - SC
Michelle Wang - NY
Holly Ware - OK
Karen Watters - FL
Jackie Webb - KY
Barb Webb - KY
Cathy Weinberg - CT
Rae Weldin - IL
Bonnie Wemyss - NY
Cathy West - TX
Chris White - NJ
Debra Wilfert - CA
Amy Wilkins - WA
Lynnette Williams - IN
LT Williams - TX
Calshondra Williams - TX
Terri Willis - AR
Deanna Wilson - AL
Sarah Wilson - GA
Karen Wilson - FL
Deb Wimbush - MI
karen witczak - NJ
Michelle Witt - WI
Linda Wood - GA
Melissa Woodworth - OH
barbara wright - NC
Carol Wright - AZ
Chaney Wright - WA
Chih Wu - NJ
Dave Yates - CA
Dilya Yunkovic - NY
Norma Zaleski - TX
Kay Zarrugh - TX
Carol Zebedis - GA
Hollie Zehnder - IN
Jill Zemke - MI
John Zukowski - MA
Thanks for posting the list, Muff..I am not on this one either!! :(
im on the list!! thanks for posting muff~peace
There were so many names that were repeated, but whatever, at least I'm getting one.
Someone wanna thank Ban for being the only ones to alphebetize their list?! lol. I didn't win, but atleast it was easy to find out!
i was on the list for ban..thank you..i was not on the list for dermablend but got one in the mail today.yea..and i also emailed goody about the tweezers&mirror set. and also recived it today..yea..thanks to all..
You're having a good day! Still waiting for my Dermablend--maybe the winner's aren't getting it, but the losers are. Could it be they actually mixed something up related to the Family Circle Giveaway? No.....that couldn't happen....