(Expired) Call the Nestle Crunch Hotline

How was Disney BD?

I didn't go to Disney. :faint: FYI I never go when it's crazy busy.

I went on a cruise and I'm sad it's over. :yesnod:

So what did the message say??:confused:
I didn't go to Disney. :faint: FYI I never go when it's crazy busy.

I went on a cruise and I'm sad it's over. :yesnod:

So what did the message say??:confused:

I didn't really think you went to Disney....I was just fishing for info. :rofl: Thanks BD! Hope the cruise was fun! :)
I pm'd you BD, in case this becomes active again.

Thank you!! :)

:shhh: Hidden text here would have worked too. :tongue:

FYI I was expecting more based on everyone's raves.

I didn't really think you went to Disney....I was just fishing for info. :rofl: Thanks BD! Hope the cruise was fun! :)

You got me. :doh: BTW I actually did go to Disney in a sense since I did stay at Disney's Vero Beach resort for one night before the cruise. FYI it is several hours from Disney World.
joyce, want in on this conversation? :lol:
Exactly where did you post that conversation? It came up in my news feed, but wasn't a notification for me?? Are you talking smack about me behind my back? lol
:cry::cry::cry:since this expired and I never got the hear it, can someone let me know what it said??
it's always busy... what was the joke?