Epinions earn between $10 and $100 for writing reviews

They deposited the money from the 10 for 10 promo into my sccount, plus my normal "commission." For non-express reviews, I have actually made a total of about $3-4 each inluding bonuses and these promos. Not abd since I like to write the reviews anyway.
They are running this again for March. As an added bonus, you will earn an extra $10 for every 10 reviews rated "Very Helpful."
Is this still valid?

Submit 10 reviews to Epinions.com beginning December 1, 2007 (12:01 AM Pacific time) and receive $10. The Promotion is valid until the first 30,000 reviews are received or until December 31, 2007 (11:59 PM Pacific time), which ever comes first.

Thanks, Whitty
Oh yes, still good but dates have changed:

Submit 10 reviews to Epinions.com beginning March 1, 2008 (12:01 AM Pacific time) and receive $10. An additional $10 will be awarded for every 10 reviews rated "very helpful." The Promotion is valid until the first 30,000 reviews are received or until March 31, 2008 (11:59 PM Pacific time), which ever comes first.

They have had such good response they are doing it every month. I got in late for the February ones, but hopefully I made it in the first 30,000.