veg·e·tar·i·an [ vèjjə térree ən ] from several American Indian languages
Poor Hunter
:rofl: :rofl: :caked: Dan, you always crack me up!
I thought of another one..picture this. I'm from So. Ca. originally and married a small town PA man. I've been left confused on more then one occasion by his accent. Ex. "pool" and a "pole" sound the same. For a while we lived in Pgh and I worked in a retail store where I managed a staff of young, urban-wise salespeople. I was behind the desk one day with about 5 of them leaning on the other side and one of them said something I couldn't understand. (Ever hear a Pittsburgh accent?) I asked "what?" and he repeated himself. I still couldn't understand what he said and asked again "what"? He repeated again. Still "what?"...all 5 of them turned around and repeated the word in unison and loudly! Like I was deaf...I fell to the floor laughing and they thought I was nuts. When I stopped I had to explain...I can HEAR you..I just can't UNDERSTAND you!...And since the 5 of them still had the same accent I still couldn't understand what they said, it was just louder.
Another time: Sitting on my hospital bed filling out the birth certificate for my youngest, Ben. Not wanting any half-brained mistake I checked with my husband. "B-e-n-j-a-m-i-n, right?"
DH.."No, there's a G and an R." Me..."UH, after hours of research on names and their meanings I'm pretty sure it's a J and no R." DH: "No, I'm telling you it's a G. Ask someone else."
At this moment the nurse comes in and I'm grateful for another sane person to convince my well meaning husband that it's Benjamin and not Bengerman. So I ask the nurse, please spell Benjamin for us...she starts...
"B-e-n-g-e-r-m-a-n"....ARGGGGG!!! I could feel my pulse race and my eyes tear up wondering what the heck was going on!! I knew the spelling was rigth and I was being ganged up on to mis-spell my sons name! It was the most sur-real momment in my life!
We ended up having to get a book so I could prove to them both I was right and the nurse told the rest of the staff what happened so she and my husband were picked on the rest of our stay. Everyone else knew, I just happened to get the one nurse on the floor who couldn't spell. Sometimes I still call him Bengerman when I want to point out to my husband that I'm right and he's wrong.
OK...maybe this doesn't really qualify under this thread. But now that I took the time to type it out it's getting posted anyway.