Discuss Past Months Allure Give-Aways Here

Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
couldn't get the form to come up til 12:01...I think I had an internet connection problem though. :(
Allure error msg day, at least for me. At first it said the contest wasn't active, I refreshed the page, then it stated the "page could not be found", but with the Allure page up, I'm confused. Anyone else run into the same problems, not being able to get to the contest entry page, only getting error msg's?
took awhile for me to to get it up
hopefully some of us make it!
Allure error msg day, at least for me. At first it said the contest wasn't active, I refreshed the page, then it stated the "page could not be found", but with the Allure page up, I'm confused. Anyone else run into the same problems, not being able to get to the contest entry page, only getting error msg's?

This is all I can get.:unsure:
Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
I got thru 3 times but that was 10-15 min ago I did myself, my daughter and my mom ;)
ok i so forgot!!! cant blame skool i dont go bak til the 5th!!! hope i remeber 2morrow!!1 good luck ladies!
I completely forgot today--Saturday. Bumping this up so that we can enter on Sunday.
Got registered!

I got registered Friday and Sunday but I forgot yesterday! How do you know if you win???
I got registered Friday and Sunday but I forgot yesterday! How do you know if you win???

About 300 of us have been trying to develop a foolproof system of getting winners' lists, but we can't usually get them. There is really no way to know if you win until a package arrives at your door. Rarely, you will receive an e-mail from the sponsor or Allure ahead of time. For all you need to know, just search thru some of the Allure threads for the past year. Good Luck.
I entered most of the drawings... and haven't recieved anything yet... maybe I did it wrong. I still have some hope though. :-)
I just got a package from allure. Its a 12oz bottle of CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion. I was truely shocked because I never thought I'd win anything from them..lol

Have no idea from what month this is from. lol

I got this too! my first allure win lol and i dont even know when I entered!!!! :thinking:
The dates seem so strange to me this month. Don't they usually skip doing this on the weekends but they did it this weekend unfortunately I forgot saturday. It doesn't show one for today but does on the 7th and ummm I think the 9th. Feel like someone messed up. Every reminder I get tho just mentions the month long contest for a consult with one of several people. They is confuzzeling me!!!! :silly: :loco: The month long one you just enter once don't you? Don't know why they keep texting me every day at 10:30am cst about it!
I was wondering the same thing. I didn't enter yesterday - they've never had the contests over the weekend? I entered today at 12 Noon, maybe it'll be a good one? Now I guess we wait until 1/7?
maybe I should of entered today but didn't know what to click on since none said they were for today. The next one is for the 7th then the 9th. So strange lol just keep us guessing.
I have decided that they were idiots looking at the wrong years calendar. I think they were supposed to be for Friday the 2nd, and then today, tomorrow and Wednesday. I entered today. Doubt I'll get anything but you never know with Allure.