Wanna hear something funny? I just sat down to get ready for the "1 pm giveaway". Ha ha ha ha! I think I need a little more time to adjust to this one entry/day thing!
I did that too!! LOL
Got in today for the 12:00 one at:
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:00:31 PM (time stamp)
I almost missed it!
got a question regarding roboform, when roboform fills out the forms in allure giveaway, does it fill out the gender, subsrciption YES or NO, and income amout??? can you customize it?
Yes, you can customize it!! (awesome, isn't it!?)
Go to your identities tab, select EDIT & the acct you want to update, then on the top row where it has info like BUSINESS, ADDRESS, PERSONAL, etc click the arrow to get to the farthest right one called
To have it select NO for subscriptions, Fill the following fields as noted:
Field Name
Field Value
Other Match Strings
subscription news special offer partner gift
You can do the same thing w/the other 2 fields for whatever you want filled in. I used mine for
Hair color and
skin tone, as they were required questions in the last Allure contest.
As far as Gender, you can have it autofill your gender, birthday,age, etc all under the 1st section, profile.
Title :
Name :
Job Title :
Phone :
Home Tel :
Work Tel :
Cell Tel :
Pager :
Fax :
Email :
Yahoo ID :
AOL Name :
ICQ No :
Sex : Female
Age :
Birth Date :
Birth Place :
Income :
Soc Sec No :
Driver License:
And as far as income, that's not a required field in this contest, so I'd just ignore it.
it open 9/1-9/30 one entry per person/email.
I just meant you didn't have to wait till the 2nd to enter that one like you did for the other one.
I should've been more specific.