Detroit buries the n-word.

Now can we burry the word carcker spick and all other racial negtivities in america?
"They are a kind of person, not a race of people."

There are some people who are a--holes. Is it ok to go around using that word just because it describes a kind of person?

"Now can we burry the word carcker spick and all other racial negtivities in america?"

Yes! Please!
I think that is part of the message the NAACP is trying to send.
I still don't get how anyone can feel that is controversial.
"They are a kind of person, not a race of people."
There are some people who are a--holes. Is it ok to go around using that word just because it describes a kind of person?

"Now can we burry the word carcker spick and all other racial negtivities in america?"

Yes! Please!
I think that is part of the message the NAACP is trying to send.
I still don't get how anyone can feel that is controversial.

It's not ok to use any offensive word. Just because a person is behaving in a less than appealing way doesn't mean you have to stoop to their level. I agree with the meaning of the 'n' word, but I would never call anyone that. I refuse to even say the 'c' word because to me it only describes a type of cookie!!.Everyone should be treated with respect and name calling is not the answer no matter how they are behaving.
Everyone should be treated with respect and name calling is not the answer no matter how they are behaving.

Nope. You have to give it to get it. I have no respect for anyone that doesnt even have respect for themselves. I only respect those who have earned my respect. And that aint a lot.
Nope. You have to give it to get it. I have no respect for anyone that doesnt even have respect for themselves.

That's true, but I always distance myself from people that act like that..If you call them names you are acting just like them. I always try to talk things out and tell someone how I feel about the way they are acting in a respectful manner and then if you still want to be the person you are that is fine, but you can do it alone.
"They are a kind of person, not a race of people."

There are some people who are a--holes. Is it ok to go around using that word just because it describes a kind of person?

I think that is part of the message the NAACP is trying to send.
I still don't get how anyone can feel that is controversial.

Yep. Its fine to use any word you want any time you want. Its called the first amendment. If your personal feleings wont let you use certain words then dont. But no one can tell us what we can and cant say.

As for the NAACP, thats a racist organization if there ever was one. I mean, the NAACP is for equal rights, but the NAAWP s racist. Thats unfair.

Theres a 'Black Miss America' pageant; if we had a 'White Miss America' pageant, do you think that would be acceptable? They can have black women in either pageant ('Black Miss America' or 'White...') but if we tried to enter a white women in the black pageant we would be turned away. And if we tried to establish a pageant for only white women, we would be racist.

Theres the United Negro College Fund, if we had a scholarship only to send white kids to college, that would be racist.

Black people talk about being proud of where they come from, their heritage, and of being black. Can you imagine the flack we would get if we walked around in "White and Proud" or "Once you go white, everything's alright"? Ive seen Black folks in tshirts that say everything from "Smash the Honky Oppressor" to "Black by Popular Demand", and thats fine.

Everytime you turn around you hear about black people filing suit for being discriminated against somewhere for something, whether at a Denny's or at a Country Club. When my service is bad at Popeye's or Wendy's I dont call racial bias just because the employees are all black and Im white; maybe I should start.

Black Entertainment TV, and the Starz Black movie channel.. if we made a White Entertainment TV or Starz White channel, that would be unacceptable and racist.

Theyve got panels comprised of only black people in every city to talk about how they should be treated better, given more opportunities, etc. So lets form some white panels.. oh wait, that would be racist.

So why is it that everything they do to set themselves apart from us is OK, but if we try to separate from them we're racists? The say they want equality, well this is beyond equality. Equality means they can enter the same schools, pageants, community panels, have the same services, etc, as white people. Having your own separate version of everything isnt equal because we cant have separate versions of everything.
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To LiveSquid:
:amen: :hail: :hail:

Don't get me started on the number of scholarships that are based on skin color, unless you are a white Caucasian, and then you are automatically disqualified.
Yep. Its fine to use any word you want any time you want. Its called the first amendment. If your personal feleings wont let you use certain words then dont. But no one can tell us what we can and cant say.

As for the NAACP, thats a racist organization if there ever was one. I mean, the NAACP is for equal rights, but the NAAWP s racist. Thats unfair.

Theres a 'Black Miss America' pageant; if we had a 'White Miss America' pageant, do you think that would be acceptable? They can have black women in either pageant ('Black Miss America' or 'White...') but if we tried to enter a white women in the black pageant we would be turned away. And if we tried to establish a pageant for only white women, we would be racist.

Theres the United Negro College Fund, if we had a scholarship only to send white kids to college, that would be racist.

Black people talk about being proud of where they come from, their heritage, and of being black. Can you imagine the flack we would get if we walked around in "White and Proud" or "Once you go white, everything's alright"? Ive seen Black folks in tshirts that say everything from "Smash the Honky Oppressor" to "Black by Popular Demand", and thats fine.

Everytime you turn around you hear about black people filing suit for being discriminated against somewhere for something, whether at a Denny's or at a Country Club. When my service is bad at Popeye's or Wendy's I dont call racial bias just because the employees are all black and Im white; maybe I should start.

Black Entertainment TV, and the Starz Black movie channel.. if we made a White Entertainment TV or Starz White channel, that would be unacceptable and racist.

Theyve got panels comprised of only black people in every city to talk about how they should be treated better, given more opportunities, etc. So lets form some white panels.. oh wait, that would be racist.

So why is it that everything they do to set themselves apart from us is OK, but if we try to separate from them we're racists? The say they want equality, well this is beyond equality. Equality means they can enter the same schools, pageants, community panels, have the same services, etc, as white people. Having your own separate version of everything isnt equal because we cant have separate versions of everything.

:usa: :bigok: :amen: :look: Why won't they conviniently notice that "affirmative action" and "quotas" is nothing but pure rasist discrimination against whites in the United States. If you're not good enough regardless of your race, you should NOT get preferrential treatment. I've had it already!
Yep. Its fine to use any word you want any time you want. Its called the first amendment. If your personal feleings wont let you use certain words then dont. But no one can tell us what we can and cant say.

Actually, 40 states have laws called hate crime laws. These laws make it a more severe crime to intimidate or threaten a person (including verbal threats) based on bias against their race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. The laws vary by state, but basically, if a person feels threatened by a certain word or phrase directed at them, and the threats continue long enough, they have a reason to press charges. Hate crime laws protect everyone's civil rights--the right to live, work, and go to school where they want to and to feel safe doing so. I've led several anti-bullying workshops in my school system with another teacher and one of the parts that I present is the part about civil rights and hate crime laws, so that's how I have come to know this. I did a quick internet search and here's one website I found with a little bit of information:

Another example of when we don't exactly have free speech would be sexual harassment. It would not be ok for a coworker to make sexual remarks to another coworker who didn't want to hear it. It isn't completely true that no one can tell us what we can and can't say.

I believe that since blacks have historically been denied the same rights as whites, our society has had to make a special effort to ensure everyone is treated equally, and had no one made such an effort, there would probably still be a more serious problem with inequality. I think a lot of the things that several people have mentioned stem from efforts to ensure equal treatment. Whites have historically not needed someone to stand up for their right to live, work, and go to school where they want to, so that's probably why there's no "NAAWP." Statistically and historically, white children are more likely to come from a home where college is affordable, or where a support system is there to aid them in a successful education before college so they are more likely to be eligible for academic scholarships. There aren't scholarships specifically for whites because according to statistics and history, minorities are the ones needing financial assistance for college. Probably minorities need more encouragement than whites to go to college, since their parents and grandparents may not have had the opportunity to attend college based on Jim Crow type laws. Again, that's just statistics and history-- I'm not saying anyone is less capable or more capable solely based on race. Also, I am white, and I didn't have any trouble getting scholarships when I graduated from high school just 7 years ago. I went to college for half the cost of tuition on an academic scholarship, and I had another offer for half off from another college, and one college I could have gone to for free. After college, I found a job right away. I just don't buy the idea that whites are now the ones being discriminated against. I have, unfortunately, seen black students treated with a different attitude at my school by teachers--people who are supposed to be professionals. It just eats me up. There is a nearby city school that pays more, but one reason some teachers give for not wanting to apply there is there are more black students, and they think black students are more likely to cause trouble. Good grief.

Probably the reason whites can't go around saying "white pride" and similar things is that the first groups to use those phrases were committing hate crimes, so the phrases and ideas became associated with violent racism.
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Ok pink, I agree w/ some of what you are saying, but now after all is said and you now see why I said that it would be controversial?
I never said you could threaten people, obviously one persons rights end where they infringe upon anyone else's. But people dont have the right to not be offended. They have the right to say what they like. Granted that ends with physical threats and such. But lets say someone called someone a spic or something. Thats not a threat. Thats not intimidation. Thats just voicing an opinion. Thats no different to me than calling someone a sissy for being a sissy. What I said is that you can use any word, any time. How you use that word could cause a problem but no one can tell you that you cant say it. My first amendment right is guaranteed by the Federal government. Im pretty sure that the State cannot supercede that.

I believe that since blacks have historically been denied the same rights as whites, our society has had to make a special effort to ensure everyone is treated equally, and had no one made such an effort, there would probably still be a more serious problem with inequality.

So your definition of equality is to have the rights to join any club they like and still make one that we cant join? Thats equal? Equal would be if we both had our own private groups OR if we all belong to the same group. Thats equality.

Whites have historically not needed someone to stand up for their right to live, work, and go to school where they want to, so that's probably why there's no "NAAWP.

There is a NAAWP. Maybe you shoulda put that in the old google before you make such a definitive statement?

Statistically and historically, white children are more likely to come from a home where college is affordable, or where a support system is there to aid them in a successful education before college

And you think that has nothing to do with people working for what theyve got? You really think thats because theyre white? Thats ludicrous. Black people can get an education and go to college and get a job. No really, I know this for a fact because I met a black pharmacist. What?! :druel: Part of the problem there is that black men (generally) teach other black young men not to succeed. Like Colin Powell. They didnt accept him as a black man, really. If you want to be a real black man, you have to buck up, be a g, if you do well in school and succeed, and move up and out, youre an 'Uncle Tom'.

Also, I am white, and I didn't have any trouble getting scholarships when I graduated from high school just 7 years ago. I went to college for half the cost of tuition on an academic scholarship, and I had another offer for half off from another college, and one college I could have gone to for free. After college, I found a job right away.

So you didnt work hard in school to get that scholarship? You got it because youre white? Your job, you got that for being white? Not because you did well in school and worked hard to earn it, had good qualifications, a good education, etc? I think youre selling yourself short.
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Ok pink, I agree w/ some of what you are saying, but now after all is said and you now see why I said that it would be controversial?

I guess I thought in this day and age everyone would be sensible enough to realize the n-word is no longer necessary. My mistake.
I never said you could threaten people, obviously one persons rights end where they infringe upon anyone else's. But people dont have the right to not be offended. What? I don't understand what you mean.They have the right to say what they like. Granted that ends with physical threats and such. But lets say someone called someone a spic or something. Thats not a threat. Thats not intimidation. Thats just voicing an opinion. Thats no different to me than calling someone a sissy for being a sissy. What I said is that you can use any word, any time. How you use that word could cause a problem but no one can tell you that you cant say it. My first amendment right is guaranteed by the Federal government. Im pretty sure that the State cannot supercede that.
A hate crime consists of an illegal act motivated by bias against a protected group (all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions are "protected groups"). crime + bias = hate crime Like, if somebody said, "You stupid n-word" just one time to a random person on the street that's not a hate crime. Instead, it's called a "bias incident." But if somebody said to a coworker, "I'm gonna kill you if you show up here to work again, you stupid n-word" that's a hate crime because it is threatening and involves racial bias. Many hate crimes can be traced back to bias incidents, which is why it's important to not use offensive words, like the n-word, in the first place. Another example of a hate crime would be constant intimidation of a person based on bias against a protected group, like if a person calls somebody a name over and over for a period of time, creating an atmosphere where the person feels threatened. There are also federal hate crime laws in addition to the state laws, but those only come into play if a hate crime becomes a federal case.

So your definition of equality is to have the rights to join any club they like and still make one that we cant join? Thats equal? Equal would be if we both had our own private groups OR if we all belong to the same group. Thats equality.
All I said is that the groups you mentioned stemmed from our society's effort to equalize things. I think it's better than nothing.

There is a NAAWP. Maybe you shoulda put that in the old google before you make such a definitive statement?
I thought someone else on here said there was no NAAWP. If there is one, maybe it's considered racist because historically the oppressors of minorities have been white, and it seems kind of silly to have a group to advance the oppressors.

And you think that has nothing to do with people working for what theyve got? I think white children are more likely to be encouraged to work hard--statistically they are more likely to have college educated parents for a myriad of reasons who are more likely to encourage them in their educational endeavors.You really think thats because theyre white?Statiscially, being white gives people an advantage. Thats ludicrous. Black people can get an education and go to college and get a job. Yes, they can. I never said they couldn't. Please don't put words into my mouth.No really, I know this for a fact because I met a black pharmacist. I understand this. One of my black friends from high school now attends Harvard law school. There are black teachers at the school where I teach. There are black leaders in our government. Again, I never said black people couldn't get an education. I just said that in our society, there are more obstacles to overcome.What?! :druel: Part of the problem there is that black men (generally) teach other black young men not to succeed. Like Colin Powell. They didnt accept him as a black man, really. If you want to be a real black man, you have to buck up, be a g, if you do well in school and succeed, and move up and out, youre an 'Uncle Tom'. That's what I was saying--white children, based on statistics, are more likely to come from a stable home where education is encouraged. Of course, here in East TN, I can see plenty of kids who don't fit into those statistics, but that's a whole other matter...

So you didnt work hard in school to get that scholarship? You got it because youre white? Your job, you got that for being white? Not because you did well in school and worked hard to earn it, had good qualifications, a good education, etc? I think youre selling yourself short.Huh? I don't know where you got all that. I was saying that I worked hard and I got scholarships and a job, despite the fact that supposedly whites are discriminated against.

Where you end up in life has everything to do with hard work, but statistically, whether or not you are encouraged to work hard is closely tied to the racial and socio-economic status into which you were born. It is possible to overcome obstacles, and it is possible to throw away every opportunity you are given.
I see kids every day at school of a variety of races who need somebody to encourage them. The bottom line is, perpetuating the use of a derogatory word toward any group does absolutely nothing for these kids.
The bottom line is, perpetuating the use of a derogatory word toward any group does absolutely nothing for these kids.

Thats the bottom line? Thats what we've been debating? Thats news to me.

This is obviously going nowhere. You make such twisted points, blaming everything on race instead of hard work and dedication. To blame things on race is, simply put, racist. Which I suppose, in some round about way, would make you a racist. I mean, someone who isnt a racist would never do anything with a racist slant, right?

And no, Im not really calling you a racist, but you see the point, right?

I'm done. This is going nowhere. Thats the beautiful thing about America; I can say anything I want, and so can you even if theyre not compatible. We both.. We all have that right.
Thats the bottom line? Thats what we've been debating? Thats news to me.

Yes--the title of the thread is "Detroit Buries the N-word" and we have been discussing whether or not it's ok to keep it in use. Some people believe it is ok to use because they believe it accurately describes a type of person, while other people believe the history attached to the word makes it inappropriate and only useful for intimidation.

I am not blaming anything on race. As I have said several times, I blame things on the socio-economic patterns that certain minorities statistically and historically have had the tendency to fall into, and I believe a lot of those patterns stem from oppression by the majority group, which happens to be whites. Look up some statistics. You'll see what I mean.
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But you said the bottom line is that it doesnt do anything to help 'these kids'. Thats diffferent from whether its ok to keep it in use.
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But you said the bottom line is that it doesnt do anything to help 'these kids'. Thats diffferent from whether its ok to keep it in use.

What?? OK good grief, let me make it more clear.

If it continues to be ok to use derogatory words against any race, if people continue not to speak up, or continue to whine whenever somebody does speak up, the kids who already have obstacles to overcome will just have one more thing to worry about. Use of the n-word makes absolutely NO positive contribution to our society. But ceasing to use it is one more step in the right direction. Of course it doesn't solve every problem in the world, but it is one small step in the right direction.
I am not blaming anything on race. As I have said several times, I blame things on the socio-economic patterns that certain minorities statistically and historically have had the tendency to fall into

So youre stereotyping and racially profiling? How is that any better?

What?? OK good grief, let me make it more clear.

If it continues to be ok to use derogatory words against any race, if people continue not to speak up, or continue to whine whenever somebody does speak up, the kids who already have obstacles to overcome will just have one more thing to worry about. Use of the n-word makes absolutely NO positive contribution to our society. But ceasing to use it is one more step in the right direction. Of course it doesn't solve every problem in the world, but it is one small step in the right direction.

I say they can ignore it instead of letting it become one more thing to worry about. Ive been called names and ostracized my entire life in school. I didnt do poorly and then blame that. I was called everything from faggot to ... well, use your imagination. I ignored it. I know who I am, I know what I am. If people dont know me well enough to know the truth about me then why do I give a flying rat turd what they say about me? Besides, if the word being used by blacks doesnt bother them, then no one should have the right to change that or anything within their culture.

There are lots of things that have no positive contribution to our society. Movies and TV for the most part have no benefit aside from entertainment. And personally, when someone gets called n1gg3r, I think its hilarious to watch the rest of that interaction. Now thats entertainment.

But I said I was done. Stop roping me back into this! lol
Livesquid quoted me but conveniently left off part of what I said. I just want to point out in case anyone else is following this that the entire sentence was actually this:

I am not blaming anything on race. As I have said several times, I blame things on the socio-economic patterns that certain minorities statistically and historically have had the tendency to fall into, and I believe a lot of those patterns stem from oppression by the majority group, which happens to be whites.