(Dead) Albertsons - 260 Stamps for $36.75

cheers to your logic

Trinity said:
There's a significant flaw in your logic. Rebates are legitimate offers from manufacturers (sometimes stores) that benefit the company by encouraging more sales. They are offered after extensive research into the targeted demographic and the effectiveness of past rebates. Market studies, surveys, etc all contribute to the decision of putting each of these rebates out for consumers.

What this offer does is take advantage of a technical flaw - a bug - in the coding of their shopping cart. Honestly, can you sit there and say that Albertsons is deliberately allowing the misuse of coupons that they've clearly marked as for a certain purchase amount only? Do you *really* believe that it's their intention to allow you to remove items and keep those very clearly spelled out coupons so you can get some stuff for free?

If you think taking advantage of a bug is the same thing as using a legitimately offered discount, then you need some basic instruction in logic.

i agree with half of what you say. when there's conscious intent to re-arrange your order and take advantage of the coupons to come out way ahead, that isn't right.

but realize a company is no worse off w/ a technical glitch being taken advantage of vs spoofee instructions like "go-to-your-car-drop-the-rebate-forms-and-go-back-to-the-store-for-a-pricematch" deals. they are worse than break-even, and compound that with the cost of their "market research."

my point all along is, most of the deals here on spoofee are glitches or "honest-to-goodness" rebates or mass used coupon codes or clearance items, but if you're gonna call out any deal, you might as well be consistent by staying away from this website as it's no place for straight-arrow deals which your logic can digest.

... You guys took this too far!

Anyways, I went to my local Albertsons today to pick up my 13 packs of stamps and they turned me away saying that there was a "hacker" who hacked into their systems to create this deal and discount and that there is no such thing as cupons or saving money on "government things" (which makes sense). They also gave me a 1-800 number to call for additional information and stated that they did not charge my Credit Card.

Did this happen to anyone else or should I have picked up the order the day after I ordered it? Odd... hahha they have to blame a "hacker" for their system gliche and malfunctions... silly Albertsons...
Multiple choice question:

A) Ethical
B) Unethical

Take it or leave it, as simple as that, u get to keep your choice but dont force your choice or principle into other ppl.
x_OoO_x said:
Did this happen to anyone else or should I have picked up the order the day after I ordered it? Odd... hahha they have to blame a "hacker" for their system gliche and malfunctions... silly Albertsons...
I doubt it was a hacker but poor programming. I worked as a programmer for them for three years and found a bunch of flaws. The team leader and my manager told me to stop finding them because they didn't have the time to fix them. (And they told me in a very serious manner like I would lose my job if I didn't stop.) I think it was more job security for them. :thumbs_do