Coupon Train..will Spoofee start that? :)

My reasoning is because I don't want everyone in Spoofeeland knowing where I live and giving out my addy to complete strangers. Plus, I don't clip coupons.

You are correct Babs. There is something to be said about privacy and security.:peep: ChooChoo had a good idea as well. Personally, I don't save many coupons, a few here and there, so I am afraid I wouldn't be much help to those who ardently participate.:noidea:
I think this is a fun idea-w/some tweaking. I'm glad you posted it. I'm going to start it w/my group of friends. There won't be any set times or limits or stamps needed (which I NEVER have!)

I'm just going to clip my coupons and put the ones I don't need in an envelope and hand it to the next friend I see. Then they can do the same. We can put our names on the envelope if we want and track it, but who really cares. At the worst I'm just giving away coupons I wasn't going to use anyway. And hopefully it'll make it's way back to me w/something good!

As for how much money is saved w/coupons, I've saved anywhere from $10 to $25 in one Target shop which I do about once or twice a month. For me, it's definitely worth it!

Good luck to those who decide to start their own version!