Coupon for Free Suave

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Thanks - it's a good deal b/c the stores frequently have deep discount sales on Suave throughout the year - the coupon expires in July, so we've got time to wait for a great deal!
i believe Amy meant about free because some stores have them under $1 and that makes it free with the coupon.
Thanks - I'm having it mailed because too many stores don't accept printed coupons
Thanks for the post. Suave varies in price around here but $1.00 off will be almost free anyway
Great post! Thanks, Amy-C! We use several different Suave products including the kids' line of shampoo and conditioner, so this is an excellent coupon!
Thanks for the post. It's the only shampoo my husband will use.
Thanks Amy for the terrific post! :60: I am having it mailed to me.
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Your coupon will be mailed to the address provided. Thank you.:claps:
:proud: thanks Amy-C! It seems as though everyone would rather have it mailed to them, thanks for both the links.
Thanks! I usually wait to use these until my local stores that double coupons also have a 10/$10 sale and end up getting 2 for free.
Its not for a free suave.. Its for $1.00 off suave conditioner, hairspary, or styling aid with the PURCHASE of suave shampoo