I use the faucet to wash my hands
I eat pancakes
I drink soda, or sometimes it's just coke (even sprite, ginger ale, etc)
I grocery shop
I barbecue as often as possible!
I use a frying pan
I drink coffee
I can't afford it, but enjoy going to the salon
In the evening, I eat dinner
At noon, it's lunch
Don't "take a vacation", I "go on vacation"
Go to the movies
A long sandwich is a sandwich
I wear running shoes for running, otherwise they're just tennis shoes or "tennies"
My boss is just the boss.
rubber bands
drinking fountain
grocery cart
viewing hours
clear the table, or "bus" the table
it's just a shake
HOW ABOUT : toilet or stool?
I eat pancakes
I drink soda, or sometimes it's just coke (even sprite, ginger ale, etc)
I grocery shop
I barbecue as often as possible!
I use a frying pan
I drink coffee
I can't afford it, but enjoy going to the salon
In the evening, I eat dinner
At noon, it's lunch
Don't "take a vacation", I "go on vacation"
Go to the movies
A long sandwich is a sandwich
I wear running shoes for running, otherwise they're just tennis shoes or "tennies"
My boss is just the boss.
rubber bands
drinking fountain
grocery cart
viewing hours
clear the table, or "bus" the table
it's just a shake
HOW ABOUT : toilet or stool?