
I got mine today! There was spellbound and coquette. I really like the containers of this lipstick. Spellbound is by far my favorite shade o fthe two.
Just got invited to do the Maybelline SuperStay 24™ 2-Step Lipcolor
campaign... is this the one you guys are reciving packages from? I just joined it today
I think they are talking about CoverGirl. The Maybelline is a brand new campaign. Congrats!
Nothing here for me on maybelline!: *(
I stopped doing everything on bzz agent for awhile cause i was jsut not getting any campaigns... so i started back up a week ago since i really havent been busy and i got the email either last night after i went to bed or this morning. Excited to try it. I was very surprised. Bzz agent usually doesnt like me lol
I got Early Invite to join the Campaign for SC Johnson Smart and Easy Spring Cleaning and also Silk BzzCampaign today!So check you emails.
I got into SCJ also this is what was on their FB page
This week keeps getting better!

Early invites are about to go out for the SCJ Smart and Easy Spring Cleaning BzzCampaign.

I can't even tell you how amazing this BzzKit is! Check it out:

* 1 Glade spring collection Jar candle
* 1 Glade Lasting Impressions Oil refill
* 1 Pledge Lemon Clean Can
* 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet gel
* 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer

Also, if you are in this BzzCampaign be sure to share the great coupon on the “This Week’s Coupon” tab on the BzzCampaign homepage when you join. Great savings for your friends!

This is US only. Check And finally many more invites will go out soon.
Ugh - I guess the SC Johnson campaign was limited. I got the early invite email, but when I logged it I was told it was full. I've never had that happen before :(
I haven't gotten into any except the Thomas bagel thins one recently. They were ok but nothing to brag about. Hope a new invite comes around soon...
just got invite for SC johnson :) Yeyyyy i was begining to loose hope of getting into that one
I got the silk milk today and SC Johnson yesterday.
nada for me and my daughter is the one that got into the covergirllip stick camapign notme. :)(
have u ever had the silk milk? let me know how it is. always wanted to try it

When my oldest was a toddler that was all he could drink then he finally grow into regular milk. So it's been about 15 years since I tried soy milk. Can't wait to try again.