FYI: Today is the last day to submit reports for the Pledge Fabric Sweeper, that one so easy to Bzz, I have 13 reports awaiting approval. I agree, it does seem to take longer than it used to for approval of the reports, I'm not a fan of the new feature of making sure to accept the points, since reports tend to get approved in groups, I'll wait until the end of the day I get the emails, then accept the points. I can see one could easily lose points, a busy moment, things get forgotten, I wish they'd not added that feature. I tend to put off submitting reports until the end of a campaign sometimes, I think perhaps others may do that as well, when you get the reminder email to submit reports, I've found that reports submitted at the end of a campaign do take longer to be approved, but I'd always guessed it was that they had many many many reports to approve, so takes a little longer. No doubt, I definitely preferred the original design of the site, I've no use for the Womlets or Frogpond offers, I'm never to complain of converting submitted reports into MyPoints points, I appreciate the gift cards, most helpful they are. I hated the scent of the currant and acai candle, I am allergic to strong scents like that, others have liked it though. I just recieved the wrinkle remover lotions kit yesterday, I always Bzz the mail carrier, allows for more reports, more points. I do clean and reuse the Pledge Fabric Sweeper, hair gathered so easily removed with tweezers. Despite the changes I make the best of remaining to be a BzzAgent, the eventual reward of the gift cards makes it worth it to myself personally.