Britney Spears Has Got To Be On Crack!!!!!

I don't seem to care about publicity of the personal lives of stupid people whom, unfortunately, we see too much of on TV. :ignore:

It's fodder.....'care' is too strong a word....
Too strong a word for what? For his opinion? How can you try to correct his opinion? He didnt say that everyone else cares, he asked who cares and said that he doesnt. Maybe Im just confused.
exactly my point. I can 'care' about our soldiers dying for a lost cause in the 3rd world country, but I definitely don't 'care' about where drug-addicted blonde bimbo is being burried, or what freak decideds to shave her head. (just venting)
Oh. In that case this belongs in CrazyButt's "I Just Need to Vent" Thread.
It's fodder.....'care' is too strong a word....

Too strong a word for what? For his opinion? How can you try to correct his opinion? He didnt say that everyone else cares, he asked who cares and said that he doesnt. Maybe Im just confused.

I was speaking for myself......

exactly my point. I can 'care' about our soldiers dying for a lost cause in the 3rd world country, but I definitely don't 'care' about where drug-addicted blonde bimbo is being burried, or what freak decideds to shave her head. (just venting)

Just like do you really 'care' about 'sports' or is it 'fodder'?? It's entertainment, a diversion...believe me, I won't lose sleep over it...:rolleyes:
I could not care less about sports either :rant: :yawn: :wave:
Well just shucks folks......let's just say a prayer for her return to health and good sense, for her family, and, the children. Sad really, how the mighty fall. I don't think she is a great example for young girls to follow. Thankfully, I don't have teenagers or preteens. I do feel sorry for the parents that have to navigate these waters, a tough job for certain.
Too strong a word for what? For his opinion? How can you try to correct his opinion? He didnt say that everyone else cares, he asked who cares and said that he doesnt. Maybe Im just confused.

Why are you apologizing for expressing YOUR OPINION?!?!?! Express it, and, stand by it...don't hide behind blanket statements for fear of offending someone elses opinion! :tongue: :wave: It wouldn't be YOU Squid to back down from another poster or a good debate!! That is what I have always enjoyed about your posts.....honest and to the point, no phony sucking up,and no dancing about it all! :wave:
Ummmmmmmmm...........:hmmmm2:..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................yeah, ok. :bigok: