Best picture ever

OMG i am so glad nobody was in here when i looked at that picture... i would have NEVER lived that one down if the ol' man had seen me LOL ... however, i can't wait til he gets home so i can have him take a look!!!!
I was expecting some kind of scream or something so I turned off my speaker.. and I sat there for 3 minuters... I finally got it.

Thanks dehawk
nigdonht said:
I got it now :banghead: :banghead:


i see the waldo one worked on a few ppl. I was expecting dehwak's picture to be like waldo's but it wasnt, :tongue:
Apocalypse716 said:
I'm sorry penpen :cry: (with a slight hint of sarcasm)

How do you quote more than one person?

Type this without the *:

[*quote]insert quote here[*/quote]"
insert quote here
around the quote you want to quote. :tongue:

OR if you want to give the person credit:

[*quote=big daddy]enter sarcastic comment here[*/quote]
big daddy said:
enter sarcastic comment here
i showed my husband and he screamed like a girl!!!!!! it was so great!!!! then i showed the kids and they wouldn't go to bed last night-- still worth it!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
but afterward, i showed them dehawk's and they were all cringing... it was great
awwww, i didn't mean it like that... don't cry dehawk, you know we all luv ya ;)