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Just signed up, thanks for posting this! Looking forward to participating!!
heads up check emails

First 150 to send mailing address for a free box of emergenc
Thank you very much for your time and interest. Unfortunately, we have already given away all the Emergen-C gifts. Please watch your email for future offers and gifts from StyleWatch VIP's partners.

They are gone now
i never get a chance to even try :cry:. i get the emails 4 to 5 hours after they are sent:rant:. i wrote them an email, and all they said was sorry, and there is nothing that they can do about it, something about my sever or something :confused:. does anyone know what they are talking about and how to fix it ???
Got the e-mail and submitted info. I did not get the Sorry screen, so maybe I got in!!

Thanks for letting us know about it!!
Got one box of Emergen-C today!:clap::teeth: