Any Cookie Monsters Out There?!?!

I'll cook the stuffed saddle of lamb, Im not cooking the cookies.
I'm available for taste testing and quality control. My fee is negotiable.

LOL How about if there is alcohol involved with the taste testing? ;) Going to give a couple recipes a whirl this Sunday. Guess the family will get to eat the ones that don't turn out really well! :o
Great recipes! These give me a lot to choose from for our cookie exchange at work!
a little late on the uptake here, but...

Last year I looked all over for freezer recipes to help me get ready for the arrival of our newborn in December. The best two resources I found were 1) a book at the library calling The Freezer Cooking Manual (I think it was promoted by a fly lady. Their plan is that you take one day and cook a ton and freeze it for weeks of dinners/desserts, etc. There was one for no cook peanut butter bars that were fantastic!). The other was a site 2) (although... they don't have any cookie recipes).
