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Sponsored Free Sample: Success Rice Aromatics Product -
Success Rice Aromatics Product
To receive your Success® Rice sample, follow the link below, enter your contact information and Success® Rice will mail you a coupon (maximum value of $2.69 each). Please allow approximately 4 to 6 weeks from date of request submission for processing and for receipt of coupon
Still spinning for me

Stir In Ideas
i rec'd this but the rules said first 5,000. we will see but i am thinking this was too late
Success Rice Coupon
Success® Jasmine RiceSuccess® Basmati RiceThanks ... we have recorded your request for our Success® Rice Sample coupon.

Please allow approximately 4 to 6 weeks from date of request submission for processing and for receipt of coupon.
Free Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus -

Get a Free 2 Week Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Sample

Go to a participating Clinique counter through January 29, 2013 to receive your free 2 week sample of Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus. No purchase necessary, available while supplies last.

Bunch of looney tunes here. This is already expired by a while......

No, it's a re-offer--I happened to be in Macy's last night and they were advertising it--got one. And, if you go back two weeks later, you get another one. I know they had this last year as well, but this offer is definitely on right now.
Free Sample: 20 oz Soda at 7-Eleven -

20 oz Soda at 7-Eleven

To get a free 20 oz Dr Pepper, 7UP, Sunkist, Canada Dry or A&W at 7-Eleven, you will need to download their app for IOS or Android on your phone and register. The free coupon is located in the “Savings” section. Make sure you don’t click Redeem until you’re ready to use it, it’s only good for 15 minutes when you do. Expires today.

Download our app today!