254-Pound 7-Year-Old May Be Removed From Parents' Home

I think the parents need to be educated not chastised. This boy, like any other child loves his parents and they him. What good would taking him away from everything he loves and knows. Also, I agree medical reason need to be exhausted. Keep social services for the child molesters and crack addicts not for a case like this.

I don' think there is a parent (or person) on this earth that actually thinks candy, cake, McDonalds, french fries, mashed potatoes, KFC, ice cream, etc. alone is a healthy diet. :doh: Stupidity and denial will only take you so far.....

Most of the time it's laziness and an unwillingness to accept that too much of this crap is bad for you. Accept it....spinach is not always as tasty as ice cream :doh: What child wouldn't pick ice cream over spinach?

Most of the time it's not being 'uneducated', it's just not being 'responsible' for your actions. And...if one is being irresponsible and it's affecting the health and welfare of the child....should someone not intercede on the child's behalf?