$20.00 in Gift Certificates for Natural American Spirit cigarettes

I received 2 $10 gift certificates, they are $5.00/pack near me. Thanks for the post!
Ill give it a shot and see if it works in my state of Indiana. I doubt it will nothin ever does around here. If not maybe I will be able to pass them on to someone who will be able to use it Thanks for the post
TY so much, LOVE these coupons, and they do come :)
Sample Natural American Spirit Cigarettes

Hope this isn't a repeat.If so im sorry!! I got this out of February 2008 Bazaar Magazine.

You can visit their site or also they have a toll free phone number to call.
Call 1-800-872-6460 ext.79503

We appreciate your interest in our Natural American Spirit Gift Certificate Offer. As of January 1st 2007 we have simplified our offer to improve customer service. We’ve decided to give interested adult smokers the opportunity to try a few packs with $20 in Gift Certificates good towards the purchase of Natural American Spirit products of greater value.

Offer expires 12/31/08. Offer for two $10 Gift Certificates good toward any Natural American Spirit Products of greater value. Offer restricted to U.S. smokers 21 years of age or older. Limit one offer per person per 12 month period. Offer void in Massachusetts and where prohibited. Other restrictions may apply.

To sign up for our Natural American Spirit Gift Certificate offer fill out and submit the form below. Click here to view our privacy policy.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Mailing Address: *

City: *
State: Select One Other Alaska Alabama Arkansas American Samoa Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming *
Zip: * Enter Valid Zip Code.
Country: Select One USA *
Gender: Male Female
Birthdate: // *

If you saw us in a magazine, what extension did the ad tell you to call?

What brand of cigarettes or roll-your-own do you normally smoke?
Select One Basic Benson & Hedges Cambridge Camel Carlton Djarum Doral Dunhill Generic/Store Brands GPC Kamel Kent Kool Lucky Strike Marlboro Merit Montclair More Nat Sherman Natural American Spirit Natural Blend Newport Now Other Pall Mall Parliament Planet Salem Vantage Virginia Slims Wave Winston *
Do you smoke menthol or non-menthol?
Menthol Non-Menthol
What is your preferred style?
Select One Full Flavor Medium Mild Light Ultra Light Non-Filter Roll-Your-Own *
If your brand is not available, what is your second choice?
Select One Basic Benson & Hedges Cambridge Camel Carlton Djarum Doral Dunhill Generic/Store Brands GPC Kamel Kent Kool Lucky Strike Marlboro Merit Montclair More Nat Sherman Natural American Spirit Natural Blend Newport Now Other Pall Mall Parliament Planet Salem Vantage Virginia Slims Wave Winston *
Do you regularly purchase organic and/or natural products?
Yes No

Click here to subscribe to EcoMail

I certify that I am a smoker 21 years of age or older, and that I want to receive information, gift certificates, or other offers. I further understand that giving false information in order to accept any Natural American Spirit offers may constitute a violation of the law.
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Natural American Spirit Cigarettes $10 off Offer expires 12/31/08

PHONE: 1-800-872-6460 EXTENSION 79516 (automated)
or online at:

Offer for two $10. Gift Certificates good toward any Natural American Spirit products.

( I found this in Ready Made magazine and phoned in to the offer today.)
I just got my two gift certificates today..My husband is going to use them so i'll post his opinion..If they are aweful i'll let ya know..:yawn:
They are pretty awful, we smoke marlboro lights normally, and we got a couple of packs of these for free, we don't even smoke them when we run out, ick!!!! I need to go throw them out, they are pretty bad! And pretty expensive too! $4 a pack in VA
:claps: I have recieved the coupons and love them. They are a little different than Marlboro, but after you smoke them for a little while and switch back, you can really tell that they are better.
Thanks for the post, I used these coupons before at the cigarette store and they let me buy my regular brand with the discount coupons. :marshmallow:
"Free" american spirit cigarettes

they are offering 2 $10 gift certificates, valid on the purchase of any purchase over $10(dont know if multiple single packs counts or if they want you to shell out $450 for a carton) but either way, www.tryamericanspirit.com also they got a phone number 1-800-872-6460 ext 79409, it was advertised in the last issue of popular science(still offered free for watching advertisments, the post is on the forums somewhere, search for free popular science)
Watch your mail after you use the coupons.. they usually send an offer for a free carton if you pay the 6.00 shipping.. and they send a 2nd carton w/ all the types they make along with it.