101 things to do with meatballs cookbook - 1st 10,000

We're glad you love 101 Things to do with Meatballs as much as we do. So much that we already gave away 10,000 copies, but it�s not too late to get your hands on the book—or order a few extras for friends. It's available for pre-order at Amazon.

I am always too late on the cookbooks,darn it.Oh well,thank you anyways.:ohwell:
got mine too!:teeth:
You can now preorder them on Amazon. I guess I'll come up with my own ideas what to do with meatballs.
as usual i'm in a waiting pattern.
Good cook book - I picked up some frozen meatballs yesterday. I need some simple, yummy recipes!
No longer available .. can now buy it for $9.99 ..but why should i pay for something that I got for free? Was thinking of getting one for my daughter but I guess I'll pass for now..maybe they'll bring it back.
as usual the mailman did not deliver, maybe friday?
We're glad you love 101 Things to do with Meatballs as much as we do. So much that we already gave away 10,000 copies, but it's not too late to get your hands on the book—or order a few extras for friends. It's available online at Gibbs Smith starting November 17th or for pre-order at Amazon.
I don't want to buy one:nonod:,I just want the free copy:yesnod:.
I got mine on 1/2/09 lots of easy recipes. They have other books for 9.99.