$10.00 American Express Gift Card for Birth Control Survey

Thank you for your participation. Your responses have been received
It asked me to do the follow up survey, I agreed to and I got this message...

Great! We will contact you in about six weeks with a follow-up survey. Please provide us with a valid e-mail address so that we can send you the survey and instructions for how to claim your $10 American Express Gift Card.

Please note: We respect your confidentiality and right to privacy. The e-mail address you provide will only be used to send you the follow-up survey and instructions to claim your Gift Card. It will not be used to contact or sell you any products or information at any time.

6 weeks? That's kinda long I think.
Gee, I got to the first question "do you reside in the United States", I answered yes, and they replied thanks but it is not available. Its getting pretty bad when your not allowed to take a survey if you live in the US