Thanks Lovefreebees! I didn't know there were actually thyroid specialists, I thought it had to be taken care of by my family practitioner. I mostly look things up on webmd and online, I share my experience here hoping to help a friend who may have the same health problems, although I may look for a forum where this medical problem is the main focus. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
today is better, I was at the ER night before last and they gave me meds for pain and nausea, so I am in no pain, yesterday and today, and the doctor finally called back on thursday, she uped my dosage on Lyrica and I got a refill on t r a m a d o l, an anti-inflamitory, Pain management also called me, My appointment with them is in June though, so more waiting, hopefully in the meantime everything will go well and I will be without pain.