Looks like you need to make a chart... every day that she goes to school mommy draws a smilie face, if she does not go to school mommy draws a big black X. Everytime she gets 7 smilie faces, she can get a special treat! The special treats do not have to cost much - examples: something from the dollar store, a trip to the library, rent a movie, bake some cookies with mommy, stay up an hour later on Saturday, go to her favorite playground etc. I picked 7 smilies (feel free to select a different amount) but 7 will guarantee at least 1 full week of school. Every time she gets 3 big black X's there has to be a punishment such as... extra chores, siblings only go to favorite playground (reward them for going to school), siblings only go to dollar store, siblings only get to stay up an hour later, etc. Get my point? She gets rewarded when she goes to school but if she does not then the siblings get the reward.