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  • Thank you so much! I feel so blessed and God heard our prayers. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
    :rofl: I can only buy candy I don't like. :listen: I used to have to buy candy 2 times, because I would eat it all. :blushing:
    I totally run out of ideas. :noidea: What's worse is like what you said, when you just need to get them done and you are looking around other threads just to get your 10. I do generic also :listen:

    Do you think those pumpkin buns will keep us away from eating so much candy this weekend? :noidea:
    i'm baaack. hi there mz. bee? you got me thinkin' real hard about cherry vodka and cranberry!

    Hi tutz! Have a great trip. I am envious and want to go with you. We had our first snow (light) this morning. Have a great trip.:plane: Apple
    :wave: Have a wonderful time in Orlando :smiley:

    I hope it's a vacation :teeth: We will miss you around here :sad:
    It's usually 3 days if you pass out 10 a day :doh: It really is hard to do :faint:
    :bawling: I just don't get hugged anymore :sad:

    I got 2 on Sunday and 1 on Monday.......:doh: I sure don't feel the love :creep:
    you are awful close to 3MM...taz is a bit closer. and i am locked out til tonight
    Hopefully when I poked you it wasn't in the eye :boink: I am sleeping ok. My cold/cough bothers me during the night.

    :baby: is an :angel:
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