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  • You can't PAY ME enough to go back to India!!! Do not make me visit you and take your first born!! LOL LOL
    :note: Yo, Spoofee Friends, Let's kick it!
    Rep Rep Baby, :lock1: Rep Rep Baby
    All right stop, Collaborate and listen
    Rep is back with a brand new invention
    Something they won't notice if you do it right-ly
    Rep your Spoofee friends by huggin' them tightly
    Will it ever stop? Yo I dont think so
    Keep reppin your friends until they say no
    To the extreme rep your friends like a vandal
    Give 'em more points until no more they can handle....:note:
    ooooooo, really weird, but if you click fast in the area where the text is, you can actually read things on this page. spooky!
    Okay, like something here on your profile page is a muck up!! I tried to find your private message sender thing, but, the page is like something out of the sixties! Only thing I see are emoticons jumping around! WTF?!?! Okay...here is the short of it...a friend was in a bind, asked me to pitch in for a week or so, and yeah, I ended up in INDIA!! OMG!! What a pitiful place with such sick kids. They have nooooooooo health care there, except if you are wealthy. Folks just go to hospitals if they can pay for it and stuff! Off to Williamsburg tomorrow with Mom and Jeb in tow. Have jet lag, can't find my arse with both hands! But will catch you on the rebound when I can come home for a longgggggggg chat! And no, I can't understand those dam people any better for having been there! ROTFLMAO
    :questionmark: What was I thinking, I thought you were almost at 6000, it was really 5600:yikes: I did get you there, but I lost my mind on the way :loco: Your page is really messed you right now :faint::rapture:
    You are 5 away from the 6000! I feel it is my duty :drama: to take you to that mark. :hail:
    Happy Birthday to your hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun at the party....careful in the bouncy house!!!!!
    Hmmm....that is not like Santa.....are you sure you were good this year? lol You seemed like a problem solver though - I hope you got great deals on what you bought :thumb:
    Hi Sun! :wave: Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year and that :santaclaus: brought you everything you wanted!
    Only YOU!! ONLY YOU!!!!! Your stress levels are kicking up the asthma, let alone the temperature change. Watch your humidty levels in the house. Oh trust me, I know all about inhalers, and, Singulair...used them with Tristan. Thank God for albuterol. Now go and have some tea with honey it in, take some tylenol and rest. As long as the kids are under one hundred and one, no green boogers or puke, push the fluids and tylenol. Just watch out for SARS/ signs and flu symptoms. Dam school systems should close when five kids drop from the same!! You all up to date on your shots!?!?!
    i jus wanted 2 say thank u very ur kind offer!!!!!! there r truly some gr8 people on spoofee and u r def among them!!!!!! mmmuuaahhhh and big hugs 2 u!!!
    LOL LOL LOL I still have over eight hundred minutes on the phone! LOL Won't need "Moron Number 37" until I get down to about one hundred minutes! LOL Got scared the other day when I saw a text message on the stupid phone. No one has the number yet, only because I personally forget it! LOL Cold here, went outside to tidy up a bit with Jeb in tow, waiting for coffee now to thaw out. :(
    Hey girly......just stopping by to say hey! We had flurries today,with temps in the low thirties. Almost froze my "Gucci" off outside while hooking up the stupid Christmas lights! We get winds off the bay...there is no fool like an old fool! LOL BUT...I had my trustworthy Tracfone in my pocket so national security was safe and sound! LOL LOL LOL
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