Hey Star! :hugs: Sorry u were in the hospital and hope things are better now. Yeah, the hospital food is the worst! :lol: I just knew you had to be having a Coke and lemon withdrawal! :rofl: I hope to see you back online soon. :kiss:
:nonod: I wouldn't do that, he might go into a :mmph: tirade. :sad: that sucks for you................I wish there was some way that he would realize what a burden on the family that it's become :crutch:
That's a tough one for both of you. I know a friend of mine put himself on a black list and can't go back to any casino's in the state. He has to think twice about going and if he does he has to leave the state. Have you heard of anythink like that?
Wish you were doing better-hope your leg gets better as the weather is nicer and I am sure you would like to be able to get around outside your home and enjoy the weather.
I'll keep thinking of you and I wish you well. Donna