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  • Hey Spice! :hugs: I had a great Christmas and don't have anything planned for the New Years, but I think I better go and get some ear plugs because my husband and sons are going to shoot fireworks! :lol: I may also sneak a drink or two! :shhh: :lol:
    :peace:Hey Spice, it's good to be back :wink: I had a wonderful vacation, how was your Christmas? :prey: I hope it was everything that you had hoped for and more. Christmas was nice, but it was weird for the first time in a long time not to have cold weather. :kissing:
    My day went pretty good, thanks for asking :hug: How was yours? I'm glad that it's almost the weekend. 1 more day of work, and then a couple days off :hurray: That rep'ing sure can be frustrating. :bawling: You are so sweet to think of me :blushing:
    Very observant of you, and so true. Some days I do get on during the day, but a lot of times, I can't get to the computer until very late at night, if at all. Tonight, I'm trying to get caught up on posting the stuff I got and following up on some things which never came (and probably never will). We can be "after midnight" buddies! Now I need to go down to get my tea which is brewing...see 'ya, friend!
    So you want to be my friend, eh? You really should ask what that entails! References available on request. :)
    :heh:Thanksgiving with 54 people was a lot of fun:noidea:Stay warm and have a great day:kiss:
    How was your relaxing Thanksgiving at your B-I-L's? I hope you had a nice time :hug:
    I'm glad I could give you a chuckle. It would be a fun practical joke, though. Come out with this huge covered platter, the take off the lid and surprise them with a tiny bird.

    I hope you have a wonderful day. Even though you're cooking, set aside some time to relax. You deserve it. :)
    LOL LOL I am laughing so hard right now at you! Of course, I wasn't going to serve one cornish hen for the table! :rofl: I think my 14 year old could have eaten it all by himself! I have decided to make a ham and chicken. :) Buying pies sound good to me! Make sure to say you baked it yourself though! ;) LOL
    Hey Spice! :) I am the designated cook for Thanksgiving! :34: Do you think you cook will have enough energy to do it for me instead? LOL I am thinking of making cornish hen instead of turkey, what do you think? :)
    It's good to be back, I always miss my Spoofee family when I'm not around and it's good to know that you all miss me 2. :hug: I hope you're having a nice day. If not, I hope these :flowers: do it for you. :)
    :wave: HI Spice :) Everythings going fine, thanks for asking. How are things with you? Thanksgiving is a huge Holiday for me. I have a pretty close family and we all get together for only Thanksgiving. We have over 50 people. How about you, anything special going on? :hug:
    :wave: Thought I would stop in and say Hello :) I've been busy and not around.....sorry to have missed you!:sus:
    :wave: Hi Spice, how are ya? I'm doing fine thanks. :ignore: I had to take a small sabbatical to get things done around the house.:proud: I should be around more often. How's the family doing?:hmm:
    Thanks, it was the prettiest avatar I could find for Thanksgiving. :) We had a lot of community parties as well. Eat up, it's almost Winter and you can worry about the weight when it starts getting warm! :tongue: LOL
    Hey Spice! :) I'm glad to hear from you and hope u get a chance to hang out more soon. :hug: I hope u had a great Halloween! :pumpkin:
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