ound: It's not your posts, it's all the conversations you have right here. :rofl:
If you repond to someone and click "view converstion" first, your response will show up on their page. If you just respond like you are doing, they will never know unless they come back to your page to read it. :lol:
To get the smilies when you rep someone, just look at the codes on the smiley list and use them. Like, : rofl : but input them together...I did it like the above or the actual smiley would have showed up. :wave:
Smilies in the rep... I hit go advanced and then hit more and made myself a cheat sheet of all the one I like.It works the same same as smilies in any other post.Hope this helps
:itsme: :whoo:
things are good here, the typical drama :drama: son and gf broke up, other son still not discharged, dil and baby are doing great, dd is getting married in 2 weeks, i'm looking for another job :faint: those are just the big things :lol: