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  • babies daddy is not going away his uncle is so that is good for him still bad for me. next weekend won't be here soon enough.
    :bawling: with you for 6 months! My little one leaves tomorrow for home. This month went too fast! Oh heck his 9 months went so darn fast!

    It's so weird that we live in similar worlds yet they are so so different and yet we feel the same pain.
    * for me...I said goodbye to my son until who knows when and I say goodbye to the baby but know he will see his daddy in a 2 or 3 days
    * for you... you say goodbye to your son and your baby say goodbye to his daddy in 2 or 3 days for six long months
    I have always said & always will -deployment sucks.
    i know 9 months old tomorrow hard to believe it isn't it? how is yours doing these days. my "little" 6'1" one is leaving tuesday at about 1:00pm got his deployment of 6 months boo hoo.
    The time is approaching! It won't be long until you can hug and kiss and spoil that precious :baby:

    I am getting all excited for you!
    will do can hardly wait with that thick new yawk accent. 2 more weeks. oh boy. can hardly wait tee hee. happy mothers day.
    i'll get to see him at the end of the month when my mil comes from new yawk. (manhattan) she has not seen him yet ought to be interesting.
    The baby is wonderful! I bought him a walker. He gets around good in it. He is so proud of himself!
    My cutie aka speedy gonzalas crawls and can stand up by himself using the couch etc, and will walk along the furniture. He HATES baby food and so he eating all table foods with his formula and juice.
    getting big and fat. he is actually crawling without his belly on the floor now, tee hee. maybe walking before 1? who know, and yours.
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