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  • did no tlike the pool, son was disappointed. oh well sitting in my lap as i write this.just had a bath in th sink wanted out. always entertaining, the animals don't anything to do with him
    thanks for the bday remembrance, baby is here as we speak. cute as the dickens as son looks over my shoulder tee hee. how's yours?
    i'll ask him tomorrow they are coming tomorrow but can only sta a little while cause his mom is allergic to my cats too bad. this week he is into toilet paper don't know if is is scented or not, tee hee. that is the pic i got this moring. bought baby bananas at the market for him. nothing from the bday boy yet. happy 4th to you and yours.
    I am hungry... I wish that I could ask Parker to look in the pantry and grab me something to make. HAHA
    there is more to life than peas.... if that is all he does not like, that is a good thing.

    I just want to clear this up with you:
    ... 6-7 messages down you said... they grow up so fat don't they?
    that is why I said... fat and fast too!

    I wasn't being nasty or name calling.
    he likes to climb into the food pantry and se what's in there i have a pic hat my son sent of that. too cute.
    you got that right my son is on the phone wanting to know why when he took him out for a walk he didn't show any emotion i told him he was taking it all in cause now he is "running" around the house getting into everything. welcome to parenthood. who'd a thunk it.
    in the past month 4 teeth popped in, has 6 all together. doesn't want to be in the walker anymore now he wants to push it instead. can't think of anything else but when I do, I will let you know. My mind went blank :doh:
    still trying to furniture walk got 2 new top teeth keeps trying to "bite" my sons vwerrrrry hairy legs. bet they don't taste very good. and yours? i see he lieks watermelon.
    How is your grand:baby: doing? Has he learned anything new lately? I cannot believe only 45 days until their first birthday!
    you can leave a message on his cell phone voicemail. once he gets somewhere with service he can listen to his messages.
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