I could just myself in the a$$. I threw my back out on Saturday...now I cannot do anything. That is what I get for relaxing the four day weekend the previous week :doh:
That is one of my kitties. I have three but she is my oldest. Her name is Maisy, like the mouse, and in August she will be nine years old. She says thank you by the way.
Thanks! I'm still a little behind :bootyshake::rofl: I don't know how you keep up so well with that game. You are the best poster! How is Star doing? I know last time I checked that she was on the other site, do you talk to her?
Hey Shebby! How's it going? :doh: This may sound strange, but I feel like I've known you for a long time :nonod: ya know, how you meet people and some people you feel like you just connect somehow? :loco: