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  • You are certainly welcome...and thanks back for hugs past, hugs present, and hugs future. I'm having Scrooge flashbacks!!! :rofl:
    The reason you have not been repped by me lately is because you had the gall to bring up rep points during our Target debate, like I should be beholding to you...So PLEASE do me a favor and DONT rep me ANYMORE...I dont want your points!!!
    you are welcome as always. Yes, Clark and Lasalle streets are wild at night.
    It's my pleasure, thanks for all the :hugs: you send my way :teeth:

    :itsme: I wonder if I can get you today :noidea:
    Thanks I need it. Hey is that college still downtown chicago. I use to drive by there on my bus route.
    You are welcome for the hug> Its still a little cold in Chicago with a few flurries on and off. Still surviving the weather here.
    I've been out protesting at Target.....:laugh:

    Not really, my little one brought home a virus earlier this week and it has been working it's way through the family.....not fun.:sick:
    I changed my avatar back. the only difference is the background is black. I forgot I posted why I use it on a recent thread. i will keep it until the thread is deleted.
    Hi servant, I take it you like red heads!! My old avatar was firestar from spidey and friends cartoon. I am just taking a break for now.
    I hope that the sick feeling goes away soon :hugs: I am doing good. I am jealous that it's warming up there. I'm in Buffalo, NY and it's cloudy and 24` outside. The only BBQ that I am able to smell is one that I would make in my kitchen :rofl:
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