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  • What is up my girl? Hope you had a happy 4th and a good break. Drop me a line.....
    I'm shouting a big ole "Hello" from North Carolina!
    Hope you had a fantastic 4th!
    Hi PL. How ya doing? I was just peeking at your family/friends photos. There are some cutie-pies there! I posted some new pics myself if you want to stop by. Have a great day! Apple
    :usa:Hey, PL. Wanted to wish you a very happy Fourth. Hope you have a spectacular day filled with fun. Apple
    Have a great trip & a great 4th! Drop me a line when you get back here on Spoofee!!!
    My Girl! How you doing? Glad to hear all is well in school! What else are you going to do with all your free time????? ttyl! :hug:
    Good Morning!!!!!! ZHope eryone has a wonderful wonderful day!!!!!

    I am going to enjoy today as if it is my last!!!!

    Hope u all get sum good freebies!!!!!
    When I lived in PA, I used to live not far from Philly in a town called Reading. Have you ever heard of it?
    I was just kidding about kicking ur butt in scrabble (where is the scared smiley?)! I think u are the scrabble champ! LOL Can u tell I'm shaking in my boots? ...wait I'm bare feet! LOL
    I'm here! :lock: :marshmallow: We had terrible storms :umbrella: and I fell asleep, but I'm ready to kick ur butt in scrabble! LOL
    Hey, PL. Glad you liked my pictures. In the process of downloading more once I figure it all out! dbee will help me out, I am sure. :) The one you especially liked is of a hibiscus.
    So where are you attending school and what is your major? Whatever the answer to both of those questions, I wish you a world of luck. You go girl....
    thank you so very much! I had no idea about the games on spoofee..Glad we're friends too! Hope you have a great weekend..btw- where are the games??????????? ;-)
    Hey PL! :) I noticed ur weren't around much, but knew that u were probably working hard in school. :claps: I am very proud of you for furthering ur education, I know I say that to you a lot, but it's true! :) Hope to see u on soon. :hug: :kiss:
    :eek: I didn't realize that you took her up on it! I'm glad that it worked out well for you and that you were able to get in on it. It was my pleasure :)
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