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  • I thought of you today :o and put a album on my page. :ohwell: I don't have the nerve to put myself in it, ;) but I did add some pictures from my yard. :druel: I also rode my bike around the neighborhood a couple of times today. :wave: Take care.....stay silly! :confused:
    Have a Happy
    and Safe
    Memorial Day!!!

    Special thanks for
    All the brave men and women
    who so selfisly serve and have served,
    and the men and women who love them
    and call them family.
    Thanks for the good wishes. Mom's OK (probably just stress). Her husband is on life support and it's basically over. Should be a tough week. Will know more tomorrow. All his kids and my sister are making their way to the hospital. I'm waiting until tomorrow to see what the plans will be. Take care.
    Hey... I Just said a prayer for your family. Keep us updated.
    God is working among all of us!
    Hi Sweetiepie! I'm not having my best day. Awakened very early by call from hospital in upstate NY this AM. Mom's husband flown by helicopter to hospital (heart problem/passed out/unconcious--he had a heart attack a few weeks ago) and my Mom having chest pains. She's in a different hospital being evaluated. What is going on? Seems the world has gone mad. Just wanted to go shopping today, but now I'm just exhasted and going to lie down. Hope your w/e is going better.
    Good Morning! :wave: I have not been on paperbackswap in a few days. I did get one book that I requested and it was in amazing shape. It was a book about fun games that u can play at parties!! I haven't had a chance to look at it yet though. Have u gotten any good books lately?

    I hope u have an amazing Memorial Day! :cocktail: :fish2:
    Good morning friend..did u see my new pic on muh page of the baby???? it a cuter pix...I talk to u soon !!!!!!
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