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  • ask me another day LOL My daughter has a fever that's driving me batty! Doc says it will run it's course. When were you here last? Hasn't it been forever??? Hope you are doing well. Your new hairdo looks GREAT!!! Love it. :) Good to have you back!
    :yikes: You look great with or without all that hair :hippie:

    It seems like a lot of the freebies you need a FB account for anyway :noidea:

    Glad to have you back :smiley:
    :faint2: I sure do remember you :woot: Welcome back! I remember you were going to nursing school :unsure:

    How are things going with you:questionmark:

    Everything here is just fine and dandy :nonod: nothing new or exciting for me :sad:

    I don't spend much time here anymore :thinking: Facebook is the place that I spend more time.

    :eek:Things around this place are pretty quiet nowadays :tongue:
    so much has changed!! i have recently shaved ma head!! jus bcuz!! n i love it!!! hope u guys r ok!! i will try n visit here more often!! best wishes!!
    Are you snowed in???? :sad: It's been a long time since I've seen you around. Hope you're doing well. :teeth:
    :nonod: Where the h$ll have you been :questionmark: :faint:

    I always love to see your pictures :photo:
    OMG!!!! :hugs: :hugs: I missed you tons! How are you? :) :) It's so good to see you back! :woot: You know that show Parking Wars that's filmed in your city? I always look at it to see if I can catch a glimpse of you getting a parking ticket! :lol:
    I just read dbee's post.... You graduated! ..I am so very proud of you :party: :hugs:, but I know you haven't been celebrating for 3 months :suspicious: ..or have you? :rofl:
    Where are you, girl? :cry: You sent me your cell once and I misplaced it before I could program it into my :cell: I hope u're okay and come back soon! :hugs: But until then, I am getting ready to throw a search party for your phone number! :rofl:
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